Wednesday 29 September 2021

Tips to loose weight

 Tips to loose weight

just my opinion that worked for me staying lean while putting on clean muscle

  • Eat only when you are hungry
  • Avoid fast food
  • Avoid junk food
  • Based on healthy food eat what your tongue crave for

SECRET - when you munch close your lips and make sure you blend the food inside your mouth , that way the food digest and absorb to your system way much better. 

I did the four things above which earlier i did not believe but i tried at least for 3 months and notice i started reducing like 7 kg later found out that hidden start to disappears.

what ever says that loosing weight can be achieved in few days or weeks well its either something you might want to think about if it can be true... the question is why you have to suffer to loose weight faster when you gain them slowly.. so if fat accumulates slowly so does loosing them will be slowly also.

Anyway what ever method you plan to follow, always consult your doctor instead blindly following any article, blog or journal.

Telco Iphone SE 2nd Gen 2020


My Experience in buying Iphone XE today ( 28th September 2021). Why i bought it from Digi as a standard Package which cost me around RM2005 in total which includes Plan 120 which comes with unlimited calls and Sms and with 65GB data. 

Well I had a requirement to purchase this model for some reason however unfortunately although this model had its 2nd generation released somewhere around 2020. Now as of todays date, this phone is highly or likely not being available with many service providers such as Celcom, U mobile , Digi and Maxis. 

I tried to call almost all of them for the past 2 weeks however the journey was termendeous as i have learned some technology that existed which i did not knew available such as VOLTE.  ( well i shall talk about VOLTE in another blog if time permits)

The problem with many providers is that the stock available listing is not really transparent to public therefore here goes my experience.

1. I called first provider - took me few calls from morning till in the afternoon i manage to get them, however they took me around not understanding about their own package and after wasting around 40 mins online finally the result NO STOCK - lesson that never learnt by the customer service - why not check for the stock before talking to customer when customer already told the intention.

2. 2nd telco - i call them, 1st cust service told me - yes you buy the package with the phone and the phone is yours and no penalty, day 2 - before i go the outlet tried to call then another cust serv picked up, this time she told me similar to the first but then phone not available, 3rd cust -serv i called , told me that phone available but limited. 

Well out of stupidity i asked them can i have the outlet phone number or neither can you check for me, the answer was we can't check. - THAT LEFT ME THINKING that i would be efficient since they control the reseller or dealer then why no access on availability of stock .ERMMMMM

3. 3rd Telco - This telco was even better - this time i browsed and saw the phone availability and headed to the center during my lunch time , irony took me 10mins to drive there where my lunch break for one 1hr only. Best part when i ask at the entrance the cust serv told me and query please queue up , take ticket then wait for your turn. I even told her that i just want to check if the model is available, the answer I DO NO unless you check inside. OK

So what i did i waited dummily for 45 mins and then got my turn to go inside, the moment i ask the first question , is the phone model available, the answer was NOT AVAILABLE

what can we learn here - 10mins journey plus 10 sec question with no answer - i dont have to waste my time.

4 - 4th telco - this time i can tell this telco is DIGI proudly although i been stuck with Maxis for 20years.  Called digi almost similar package and similar experience with cust serv. BUT THEY HAD KIOSK AND DIGI CENTER WHATSAPP CONTACTS FOR MOST OF THEIR STORE WHERE THEY CATERGORIZE BY REGION. I PICKED THE ONE NEAR MY HOUSE and asked if the model is available and the answer was YES. from my house to the location took me 10mins, signup and purchase device and plan took me 30mins DONE.








weLL i hope you are entetained with my story above..

Friday 24 September 2021

Tanaman Halia Selepas 2 bulan


Tanaman Halia Selepas 2 bulan

Halia adalah perkara yang mudah atau topic yang mudah jika dibandingkan dengan tanaman cili, Saya menanam Halia dari tunas buangan dapur dan ditanam dalam polibeg yang penuh dengan cocopeat.

Selepas 2 bulan lebih pokoknya tinggi dalam 2 1/2 kaki lebih dan kemungkinan selepas daunya jadi hijau tua maka kita dah boleh tuai.. 

Saya rasa akar didalamnya akan sudah membesar dan boleh digunakan sebagai kegunaan didapur  dan masakan dapur.

Sila rujuk video yang saya sediakan di Youtube untuk pandangan yang lebih lanjut.

Corona Beer, missing it and love it

 Corona Beer, missing it and love it

Corona Beer is one of my favorite summer drink. Let me tell you first what  googled so far bout this beer.. here goes 

...Corona Extra is a pale lager made by Cervecera Modelo in Mexico and owned by AB InBev in Belgium. To add sharpness and flavour, a wedge of lime or lemon is often placed in the bottle's neck.

Compared to any other beer, i like this the most...The name is unique so does the taste..

Let me know in the comments on how you feel about the beer..

Hoe om gewicht te verliezen?

 Hoe om gewicht te verliezen?

Weet je dat afvallen veel te gemakkelijk is in vergelijking met geld verliezen, nou, beiden hebben niets met elkaar te maken maar hebben wel iets met elkaar te maken.

Sleutel - Als u stopt met het uitgeven van geld aan fast food, bewerkte voedingsmiddelen en biologisch bereide voedingsmiddelen, dan bent u al op weg om op natuurlijke wijze af te vallen, hoewel u onnodig veel voedsel binnenkrijgt dan hierboven vermeld.

Maar stop daar, het gaat niet alleen om het eten van gezond voedsel, maar of het hebben van een goed dieet, maar meer om alleen te eten als je alleen honger hebt. Ik weet dat veel mensen het niet met me eens zijn, maar alleen eten als je honger hebt.

Wat voor dieet je ook doet, je bent genoodzaakt om een ​​schema te volgen door de arts. maar wat als je maag geen honger heeft maar je door het dieet heen forceert.. dit is waar de afrekening begint met je gewichtsverlies.

FORMULE om af te vallen - eenvoudig en gemakkelijk

Ik geloof dat eten als je honger hebt de sleutel is en het werkte voor mij. En stop fastfood, bewerkte voeding en biologisch bereide voeding.

Hoe om gewig te verloor

 Hoe om gewig te verloor

Weet u dat gewigsverlies te maklik is in vergelyking met geldverlies, albei het niks om mekaar te doen nie, maar het iets met mekaar te doen.

Sleutel - as u ophou om geld te spandeer op kitskos, verwerkte voedsel en biologies bereide voedsel, is u reeds op die regte pad om gewig te verloor, alhoewel u 'n onnodige hoeveelheid voedsel verbruik, behalwe die hierbo genoem.

Maar stop net daar; dit gaan nie net oor die eet van gesonde kos nie, maar ook oor 'n goeie dieet, maar meer om slegs te eet as u honger is. Ek weet dat baie mense nie met my saamstem nie, maar om slegs te eet as u honger het.

Wat dieet doen, is jy verplig om 'n skedule deur die dokter te volg. maar wat as jou maag nie honger voel nie, maar jy dwing deur die dieet .. dit is waar die afrekening begin met jou gewig verloor.

FORMULE om gewig te verloor - eenvoudig en maklik

Ek glo eet as jy honger is, is die sleutel en dit het vir my gewerk. En stop kitskos, verwerkte voedsel en biologies bereide voedsel.

كيف تخسر الوزنWeight loss,

كيف تخسر الوزن

هل تعلم أن فقدان الوزن هو وسيلة سهلة مقارنة بخسارة المال ، حسنًا ، كلاهما ليس لهما علاقة ببعضهما البعض ولكن لهما علاقة ببعضهما البعض.

المفتاح - إذا توقفت عن إنفاق الأموال على الوجبات السريعة والأطعمة المصنعة والطعام المعد بيولوجيًا ، فأنت بالفعل على طريق فقدان الوزن بشكل طبيعي على الرغم من أنك تستهلك كمية غير ضرورية من الطعام غير المذكور أعلاه.

لكن توقف عند هذا الحد ، فالأمر لا يتعلق فقط بتناول طعام صحي ولكن أو اتباع نظام غذائي جيد ، بل يتعلق بالأكل فقط عندما تكون جائعًا فقط. أعلم أن الكثير من الناس لن يتفقوا معي ولكن على الأكل فقط عندما تكون جائعًا.

ما يفعله النظام الغذائي ، يجب عليك اتباع جدول زمني من قبل الطبيب. لكن ماذا لو لم تشعر معدتك بالجوع ولكنك تجبر نفسك على اتباع نظام غذائي .. هنا يبدأ الحساب بخسارة وزنك.

تركيبة لانقاص الوزن - بسيطة وسهلة

أعتقد أن تناول الطعام عندما تكون جائعًا هو المفتاح وقد نجح معي. ووقف الوجبات السريعة والأغذية المصنعة والأطعمة المحضرة بيولوجيا.

kayf takhsar alwazn

hal taelam 'ana fuqdan alwazn hu wasilat sahlat muqaranatan bikhasarat almal , hsnan , kilahuma lays lahuma ealaqat bibaedihima albaed walakin lahuma ealaqat bibaedihima albaedi.

almiftah - 'iidhan tawaqafat ean 'iinfaq al'amwal ealaa alwajabat alsarieat wal'ateimat almusanaeat waltaeam almuedi bywlwjyan , fa'ant bialfiel ealaa tariq fiqdan alwazn bishakl tabieiin ealaa alraghm min 'anak tastahlik kamiyatan ghayr daruriat min altaeam ghayr almadhkur 'aelahu.

lakin tawaqaf eind hadha alhadi , fal'amr la yataealaq faqat bitanawul taeam sihiyin walakina 'aw aitibae nizam ghidhayiyin jayid , bal yataealaq bial'akl faqat eindama takun jayean faqut. 'aelam 'ana alkathir min alnaas lan yatafiquu maei walakin ealaa al'akl faqat eindama takun jayean.

ma yafealuh alnizam alghidhayiyu , yajib ealayk atibae jadwal zamaniin min qibal altabibi. lakin madha law lam tasheur maeadatuk bialjue walakinak tujbir nafsak ealaa aitibae nizam ghidhayiyin .. huna yabda alhisab bikhasarat wazanika.

tarkibat lianiqas alwazn - basitat wasahla

'aetaqid 'an tanawul altaeam eindama takun jayean hu almiftah waqad najah maei. wawaqf alwajabat alsarieat wal'aghdhiat almusanieat wal'ateimat almuhdarat biulujia.

Как похудеть - Weight Loss

 Как похудеть

Знаете ли вы, что похудание - это намного проще по сравнению с потерей денег, ну, им обоим нечего делать друг с другом, но они как-то связаны друг с другом.

Ключевой момент - если вы перестанете тратить деньги на фаст-фуд, обработанную пищу и биологически приготовленную пищу, то вы уже будете на пути к естественной потере веса, хотя потребляете ненужное количество пищи, отличной от упомянутой выше.

Но остановитесь прямо здесь, дело не только в том, чтобы есть здоровую пищу, но или иметь хорошую диету, а больше в том, чтобы есть только тогда, когда вы голодны. Я знаю, что многие люди не согласятся со мной, но есть только тогда, когда вы голодны.

Какую диету вы делаете, вы вынуждены соблюдать график, установленный врачом. но что, если ваш желудок не чувствует голода, но вы пытаетесь соблюдать диету ... Здесь начинается расчет с вашего потерянного веса.

ФОРМУЛА для похудания - просто и легко

Я считаю, что есть, когда вы голодны, это ключ, и это сработало для меня. И прекратите фастфуд, полуфабрикаты и биологически приготовленные продукты.

Kak pokhudet'

Znayete li vy, chto pokhudaniye - eto namnogo proshche po sravneniyu s poterey deneg, nu, im oboim nechego delat' drug s drugom, no oni kak-to svyazany drug s drugom.

Klyuchevoy moment - yesli vy perestanete tratit' den'gi na fast-fud, obrabotannuyu pishchu i biologicheski prigotovlennuyu pishchu, to vy uzhe budete na puti k yestestvennoy potere vesa, khotya potreblyayete nenuzhnoye kolichestvo pishchi, otlichnoy ot upomyanutoy vyshe.

No ostanovites' pryamo zdes', delo ne tol'ko v tom, chtoby yest' zdorovuyu pishchu, no ili imet' khoroshuyu diyetu, a bol'she v tom, chtoby yest' tol'ko togda, kogda vy golodny. YA znayu, chto mnogiye lyudi ne soglasyatsya so mnoy, no yest' tol'ko togda, kogda vy golodny.

Kakuyu diyetu vy delayete, vy vynuzhdeny soblyudat' grafik, ustanovlennyy vrachom. no chto, yesli vash zheludok ne chuvstvuyet goloda, no vy pytayetes' soblyudat' diyetu ... Zdes' nachinayetsya raschet s vashego poteryannogo vesa.

FORMULA dlya pokhudaniya - prosto i legko

YA schitayu, chto yest', kogda vy golodny, eto klyuch, i eto srabotalo dlya menya. I prekratite fastfud, polufabrikaty i biologicheski prigotovlennyye produkty.








Taijū o herasu hōhō taijū o herasu koto wa okane o ushinau koto to hikaku shite kantan'na hōhōdearu koto o shitte imasu ka, yoku ryōhō tomo otagai ni nani no kankei mo arimasenga, otagai ni nanika kankei ga arimasu. Kī - fāsutofūdo, kakō shokuhin, ikimonogaku-teki ni chōri sa reta shokuhin ni okane o tsukau no o yamereba, jōkiigai no fuhitsuyōna ryō no shokumotsu sesshu o shōhi shimasuga, anata wa sudeni shizen ni taijū o herasu kidō ni notte imasu. Shikashi, sokode yamete kudasai. Sore wa, kenkō-tekina tabemono o taberu koto dakedenaku, yoi shokuji o suru koto dakedenaku, kūfuku no toki ni dake taberu koto o mokuteki to shite imasu. Ōku no hito ga watashi ni dōi shinai koto o shitte imasuga, anata ga kūfuku no toki ni dake taberu koto ni tsuite. Shokuji ryōhō ga nani o suru ka, anata wa isha ni yotte sukejūru ni shitagau koto o yoginaku sa remasu. Shikashi, moshi anata no i ga kūfuku o kanjinaiga, anata ga shokuji ryōhō o kyōsei surunaraba dō narudeshou.. Kore wa anata no taijū ga hetta koto kara keisan ga hajimaru tokorodesu. Taijū o herasu tame no kōshiki - shinpurude kantan onakagasuita toki ni taberu koto ga kagida to omoimasu. Soshite, fāsutofūdo, kakō shokuhin, ikimonogaku-teki ni chōri sa reta shokuhin o tomete kudasai.

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan

 Tahukah Anda bahwa menurunkan berat badan adalah cara yang mudah dibandingkan dengan kehilangan uang, keduanya tidak ada hubungannya satu sama lain tetapi ada hubungannya satu sama lain.

Kunci - Jika Anda berhenti menghabiskan uang untuk makanan cepat saji, makanan olahan, dan makanan yang disiapkan secara biologis, maka Anda sudah berada di jalur penurunan berat badan secara alami meskipun Anda mengonsumsi jumlah asupan makanan yang tidak perlu selain yang disebutkan di atas.

Tapi berhenti di situ, ini bukan hanya tentang makan makanan sehat tetapi atau memiliki pola makan yang baik tetapi lebih ke arah hanya makan saat Anda lapar saja. Saya tahu banyak orang tidak akan setuju dengan saya tetapi makan hanya ketika Anda lapar.

Apa dietnya, Anda dipaksa untuk mengikuti jadwal yang ditentukan oleh dokter. tapi bagaimana jika perut anda tidak terasa lapar tapi anda memaksakan untuk diet.. disinilah perhitungan dimulai dengan penurunan berat badan anda.

FORMULA untuk menurunkan berat badan - sederhana dan mudah

Saya percaya makan saat Anda lapar adalah kuncinya dan itu berhasil untuk saya. Dan hentikan makanan cepat saji, makanan olahan, dan makanan yang disiapkan secara biologis

How to Loose Weight


How to Loose Weight

Do you know that loosing weight is way to easy compared to loosing money, well both got nothing to do each other but have got something to do with one another.

Key - If you stop spending money on fast food, processed food and biologically prepared food then you are already on the track of loosing weight naturally although you consume unnecessary amount of food intake other than the one mentioned above.

But stop right there, its not only about eating healthy food but or having a good diet but more towards only eating when you are hungry only. I know many people wont agree with me but on eating only when you are hungry. 

What diet do, you are forced to follow a schedule by the doctor. but what if your stomach does not feel hungry but you force through the diet.. this is where the reckoning starts with your weight lost.

FORMULA to loose weight - simple and easy
I believe eat when you are hungry is the key and it worked for me. And stop fast food, processed food and biologically prepared food.

Thursday 23 September 2021

What is Ivermectin, Usage, benefits and Risk

 What is Ivermectin, Usage, benefits and Risk

I heard that many blogs, news, social media talks about Ivermectin and its benefit during the pandemic, however i googled myself trying to understand what's the meaning, therefore the closes i would like to believe are from atleast wikipedia, I tried to understand and planned my own meaning and description which is almost the same as what i read from wikipedia.

Here goes

The drug ivermectin is used to treat parasite infestations. Head lice, scabies, river blindness, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis are examples in humans. The medication is used in veterinary medicine to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other things.

Why people are crazy about Ivermectin, well I myself not sure who telling the truth and decided to leave this topic aside and let those experts in this field to talk about it.

We as ordinary people have no clue about all these topics. I'm unable to tell who's story really interesting about their research. 

Anyway be careful of what you read and sources from where...cheers.

How to Use Google Forms


The google form is a wonderful perfect tool for many people nowdays that is because it eases work at workplace, school and where ever its needed. The steps are too simple

1. Launch google browser

2. Type in the search -> Google forms

3. Search results will appear and since Google forms are proprietary software that belongs to google therefore that would the first search results appears, click on the google forms link

4. Then just navigate all the way, its like using a wizard guidance for those who are in IT field its would be normal, however for those are not IT literate , google had make more easier to use by first look at it.

5. Use the forms for many reasons such as, collecting data from opinions, students data, mark sheets, surveys, you name whatever other data gathering and google form can be used.

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy using Google forms.

Pandemic vs Endemic vs Epidemic

 Pandemic vs Endemic vs Epidemic

What is Pandemic

A disease outbreak occurs when the number of instances of an illness exceeds usual expectations. The number of instances varies depending on the disease-causing substance, as well as the size and nature of past and current exposure.

Infections spread by person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, the environment, or other media are the most common causes of disease outbreaks. Outbreaks can also arise as a result of chemical or radioactive material exposure.

What is Endemic

Endemic refers to a disease or infectious agent's continual presence and/or normal prevalence in a population within a geographic area. The term "hyperendemic" refers to disease occurrence that is persistently high. Occasionally, the level of sickness in a community exceeds what is predicted.

What is Epidemic

A change in the ecology of the host population (e.g., higher stress or increased density of a vector species), a genetic mutation in the pathogen reservoir, or the introduction of an emerging pathogen to a host population are all common causes of infectious disease epidemics (by movement of pathogen or host). In general, an epidemic arises when host tolerance to an established pathogen or a newly developing novel pathogen is unexpectedly decreased below the endemic equilibrium and the transmission threshold is exceeded.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Pop it toy - Release Toy


Release stress - POP it TOY

Pop Its, like many other fidget toys, are frequently marketed as sensory toys that can help reduce anxiety and stress, as well as children and adults who have trouble staying focused. While some children find the basic process of popping bubbles to be relaxing and beneficial for concentration, many others are employing Pop Its in more inventive ways.

ADHD Impact

Fidget toys are a big source of concern among parents and teachers, as they can be a distraction from vital teachings. It's crucial to remember, though, that signs of anxiety, stress, or illnesses (such as ADHD) can be just as disruptive and destructive to a child.


The Push Pop Fidget Toy is a novelty toy that aids in the relief of stress, anxiety, ADHD, Autism, and other similar conditions. It can also be played by the elderly, children, and adults as a game. It has the potential to increase mental capacity and the ability to cultivate logical reasoning abilities.

Sunday 19 September 2021

The Drawing Competition


The Drawing Competition

Today, there was a drawing competition. This competition was not like the normal one. There were many rounds. There was preliminary rounds, quarter finals, semi finals and finals. There will be three winners for each standard. Since they inform the student one week before, I practice drawing everyday. When the competition started, there were few teachers came to every class and gave a piece of paper to all the students. We started drawing. I won every round and came to finals. The judge asked us to draw a scenary of a village within 30 minutes. There were only two players which was me and my best friend John. We passed our paper to the judges and they was looking at it. We both was very confused that who will win the game. Suddenly, they announced the winner which was me.I was very happy and I had RM 100 as a reward. This remind me of a saying which is hardwork pays of.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Car Radiator Repair

 Car Radiator Repair - Common problem

Five of the Most Common Radiator Issues

Leaks. Leaky hoses are the most common cause of radiator leaks, but you can also have leaks in the radiator itself, which can be a bigger issue.

  1. Radiator that is rusted.
  2. Other Obstructions and Gunk...
  3. Thermostat or water pump failure.
  4. When the computer is idle, it overheats.

As the radiator deteriorates, pollutants cause it to turn a rusty or oily colour. This unclean coolant will turn into sludge if it is not flushed on a regular basis. It will not flow properly to cool the engine efficiently once it gets to sludge, and you may end up with serious damage to the engine and transmission.

Fixing it...

From my experience with various cars - I had several problems such as 

1. Car going up the hill and radiator starts heating up, while downhill driving no issues.

2. During Traffic Jam radiator heats up but non traffic jam times no issues.

3. Drying out of water possible due to host leakeage ... if your mechanic unable to identify by using UV light then he's not good or trying to cut throat..

You can try several fixes possibly might work.

1. Change the radiator cap, this is the number 1 cheapest solution if there's no water leakage or anything else. most cases the cap's rubber are not air tight anymore causing pressure being release during engine run.

2. Stop wasting money changing water coolant if its ever being recommended.. all this are tricks to make money..

3. Make sure if your car has temperatur gauge for the inlet which is going from raditor to engine is not clogged... most cases next cheapest solution is changing the temperature gauge.

4. Don't let the mechanic to brain wash you to flush the radiotor... 98% of the time it will never work..however before going to the next solution you might end up paying for the first solution.

5. If all the above are not working then just do your self a big favour by changing your radiator. 

6. There are issues where water pump are rusted and overtime not working but this is very rare it get spoils if your regurlar radiator service are done properly.

Cheers there your go... in solving the mystery behind radiator issue...


Sunday 12 September 2021

9 Bulan selepas tanam Cili Kulai Vertical Tower


Progress tanaman cili kulai dalam vertical tower, hampir 9 bulan, tanaman cili masih berbuah. Dalam video ini saya memberi sebahagian pendapat saya dari segi apa yang kita boleh buat dalam vertical tower.

How to make money on Tik Tok

TikTok, a popular software for making short videos, has grown in popularity as a way to generate money online. Influencer marketing is the main cause behind this. People who have the ability to persuade others can earn money by just using their TikTok account. If you want to make money this way, follow the instructions outlined below.

How to Profit from TikTok

These are a few steps that will assist you in earning money from TikTok.

How to Make Money on TikTok: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a one-of-a-kind TikTok profile. Consider developing material that people will appreciate and enjoy on a regular basis. Your goal while creating a TikTok account should be to gain as many followers as possible.

Step 2: Choose songs or themes that are currently trending on the internet. You might perform some light surfing on some prominent social media platforms to get a sense of the audience's mood.

Step 3: TikTok allows you to link your YouTube and Instagram accounts. It will assist you in increasing the number of people who see your TikTok videos. To add your YouTube channel, go to TikTok's Profile page, press Edit Profile, and then tap Add YouTube.

Under the Edit Profile option, hit Add Instagram to add your Instagram account.

Step 4: Make sure your video is seen by a big number of people. If you succeed, your views and interaction will improve, resulting in an increase in organic search traffic.

Step 5: Add related hashtags to your posts, much like you would on Twitter or Instagram, to increase the visibility of your content.

Step 6: Once you have a reasonable number of followers on your page, marketers may approach you about featuring their product in your video. Influencers are frequently compensated for their endorsement by brands.

Step 7: You might also enlist the help of celebrities or other influential people for your video. It will also assist you in attracting attention to your content.

Hope you enjoy steps in becoming profitable with Tik Tok... Cheers

Saturday 11 September 2021

Paraphrasing tools, How to use

What is the purpose of a paraphrasing tool? 

The one i like the most is

its easy to just change "I like to eat cake" to "Cake is something i enjoy eating"

The intelligent decision-making programme used by paraphrasing Tool determines the most acceptable way to rewrite, or paraphrase, your content. Because the English language is full of nuance and shades of meaning, the software that powers this tool must consider a variety of criteria before deciding on the best approach to rewrite your text. The context of each word, phrase, and sentence is used to make these decisions. The software behind this application may interpret what is the best approach to rewrite your material in a variety of ways depending on the circumstances. 

This tool gets me everything nice and write -

What are the Benefits of Using a Paraphrasing Tool? 

Best tool ever i use
It can be challenging to come up with different ways to express essentially the same concept in a sensible manner. If you're one of the many people who has trouble coming up with new methods to communicate a concept that has already been articulated, paraphrasing Tool is the tool for you. 

This free tool can be used to increase the SEO footprint of your blog or any other type of reference website with high-quality content. 

You can use this incredible paraphraser to lubricate your mental cogs and get through the challenging brainstorming process that all authors must go through. 

What Is the Best Way to Use a Paraphrasing Tool? 

To begin, type or paste the text you want to rephrase into the box. If you've already gone through your article and are happy with the level of spelling and grammatical checking, then enter the right captcha challenge answer (if applicable), and then click the 'Para Now!' button. Your rewritten material will display in the text field below in a matter of seconds. 

Isn't it simple? 

If the text you wish to paraphrase / rewrite is already put in the first text box, you can just hit 'Enter' after entering the proper captcha response to make your task even easier.

How to make money with Instagram

 How to make money with Instagram

You may use Instagram to make money in a variety of ways, depending on your particular brand of Instagram content, your target audience, and your degree of commitment: 

Collaborate with brands on sponsored content. 

Join our affiliate program. 

Create your own online store. 

Make an Instagram store. 

Sell your images on the internet or in printed materials. 

Make money from your content The beauty of this is that pursuing a single revenue stream isn't necessary.

How to make money on Instagram

 You've probably heard stories about Instagrammers making money off the photos they take and share on a daily basis. You could have even thought to yourself, “Maybe I can do it full time too,” as you looked at your own huge following. 

Instagrammers, like bloggers, YouTubers, and anyone who has built a following around their work, understand reach and influence—two things that many businesses struggle with.

To make money on Instagram, how many followers do you need? 

If you're wondering how many Instagram followers you'll need to start making money, the quick answer is "not as many as you think." 

The long answer is dependent on a variety of circumstances, including: 

What niche you're in and how easy you can link it to a product category common niches include fashion, food, beauty, and fitness).

It goes without saying that the more engaged followers you have, the better. Check out our Instagram techniques for gaining more followers. 

While top Instagrammers earn thousands of dollars per post, even individuals with a 1,000-follower following have the opportunity to start earning money.

Instagram Myth and Use, sign up


Instagram could be a social media stage that emphasizes photo and video sharing through its versatile app. You'll take, alter, and distribute visual substance for your adherents to associated with intensive likes, comments, and shares.

It's difficult to keep in mind a time sometime recently Instagram. "Do it for the 'gram" has gotten to be a common saying, which implies, essentially, "Do something so we are able take a picture and post it to Instagram."

To sign up for Instagram, all you wish to do is download the Instagram app on your phone and tap “sign up.” You'll select to sign up through Facebook, with an e-mail, or phone number. After you select a username and password, you’re prepared to construct your profile.

On the off chance that you're prepared to sign up for Instagram, take after these steps below: 

Go to the Instagram location on your desktop, or download the Instagram app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android). 

If you're on desktop, tap "Log in with Facebook", or fill within the shape with portable number or mail, title, username, and secret password. 

At that point press "Sign up". On Android, press "Sign Up With E-mail or Phone Number". On iPhone, select "Make Unused Account". 

Enter your mail address and phone number, then click "Next". 

Then again, you'll be able moreover sign up along with your Facebook account on the app. 

Once you've filled out your login details, you'll be proceeding to fill out your profile data. 

At that point, tap "Done". If you enroll with Facebook, you'll log into your Facebook account in the event that you're as of now logged out.

Thats all that's so easy with signing up with Instagram. Hope you will enjoy it.

Friday 10 September 2021

Fidget Spinner Good for us?

Fidget spinner is basically a toy meant for kids its make up with plastic curves and little ball bearing in circle that spins for an amount of time till it stops and its quite enjoyable to play. 

I'm not sure who created this and don't want to know it as well, only intersted with it's outcome. Many parents were told by the doctors that for the kids suffering fro ADHD can have this toy so that their focus could be fine tuned. 

For me it's just another invention and nothing fancy on the medical part of it, if you like just buy and play with it. 

Toys are toys nothing more than that. 

But it's now becoming a big draw back in school where kids bring them during the classes and plays them with having less concentration at classroom.

But this for the school administration to control the kids rather than blaming the toy.
You can buy this toy from Lazada or Shopee or with you known online shopping website easily.

The cost of this toy initially was toooo expensive but overtime many company have made them cheap.

I bought a few of them from online and it hardly cost me a USD1 the quality not bad at all still spinning around.

Is Biotech Food good for us?

Biotech Food creation is vital to the current world society as it conveys food quicker on the table for rich and poor potentially delivering them quicker through innovation contrasted with typical land cultivating which is tedious and inclined to many issues like pesticides and catastrophic events. In spite of the fact that biotech isn't just connected with cultivating, there are likewise numerous different situations where biotech are utilized to create food, for example, blend of natural and different minerals to falsely deliver food which could be like the ones which are created normally. 

Concerning Biotech food creation, there are demonstrated and less hurtful techniques accessible to plant the harvests for better yield underway. Biotech food likewise is for the most part a blend of counterfeit fixing, which is ordinarily endorsed by the administering body. 

My first point is about the significance of Biotech food, Improving the quality and yield of rural items through hereditary designing. Delivering "green" consumables through hereditary designing and maturation. 

Studies on the security and ecological effects of biotech crops, specialists at the University of Perugia distributed a paper that summed up their discoveries. Their fundamental important point on biotech security was that "The logical examination led so far has not identified any critical perils straightforwardly associated with the utilization of hereditarily designed yields. 

Food biotechnology can help the customer in two primary manners: by supporting developing more food on less land and through new healthfully upgraded food varieties. As of July 2008, more than twenty diverse food biotech, items were available and various more were being developed. Most of the items by and by accessible have changed developing characteristics, similar to bug and infection opposition, which can assist with forestalling crop misfortune and accordingly assist with developing more food. 

With respect to the rancher, Looking to the Future of Biotech Foods 

Throughout the long term mentalities towards biotech food varieties have step by step become more positive as individuals understand the ecological, financial, and nourishing advantages they can bestow, and perceive the wellbeing of these food items concerning human wellbeing and the climate. Moreover, notwithstanding intermittent hesitance from certain natural gatherings, the rising food and bio-fuel requests overall are stimulating the more extensive acknowledgment of biotech food sources in the commercial center. As an ever-increasing number of items made through biotechnology are endorsed available to be purchased, any marks of shame identified with biotechnology keep on reducing, as mindfulness increments and buyers receive the benefits of these improved yields and food varieties. 

My Second Points is about the Protection of the climate is one region where biotechnology is assuming a significant part. Researchers are utilizing biotechnology to work on the cycle by which food is being delivered to make it all the more harmless to the ecosystem. For example, certain biotech food sources are intended to be impervious to nuisances and illnesses. This permits ranchers to utilize less synthetic substances, like pesticides and herbicides, while as yet keeping a sound, high-yielding harvest. The decrease in compound use is useful for water and untamed life, just as for those customers who might stress over ingesting synthetics when they eat leafy foods. 

The benefits of utilizing Biotechnology 

It can further develop wellbeing and diminish hunger at the same time. ... 

It makes adaptability inside the evolved way of life. ... 

It offers clinical headway openings. ... 

It permits us to save assets. ... 

It assists us with limiting or take out byproducts. ... 

It can diminish irresistible infection rates. 

My decision, would purchasers probably eat biotech food sources? A Study of US Consumer Trends, the larger part (53%) of buyers have impartial impressions of plant biotechnology. A larger part would buy food sources created through biotechnology for explicit advantages including giving more invigorating fats (78%), like Omega-3, decreasing trans (76%) and immersed fat (75%); and making food sources taste better or fresher (67%). There are my focuses for now.

Make Money with Blogging 2021


How to Make Money Blogging.....

Well, it's not true what you have heard about blogging and how bloggers make money easily. 

Blogging is based on your own content-driven write ups or article which gives enablement to others in the area of the same topic. 

To Start Blogging its very easy, just choose a free provider such as Blogspot or WordPress and signup.

Upon signup - all you need is to create your own post about a topic of your niche or something which you think that people would search for in google where search engine returns with your page.

Now let's get to the interesting part of it - How blogging makes us money.

Well, you need to know a few publisher services such as Google Adsense or affiliate sites that pay click per rate or commission for the sale. These providers will then get you to bind their codes to your blogging page.

However the hard work for you is that - you must be committed to writing as many useful blogs obeying the policy governs by the service provider with the KPI, once that is reached then advertisement segment or sales pitch ads will show up on your blog page. 

When someone visits your blog and gets attracted to the ads that are merely relating to them, then which the ads are clicked. the service provider gives you commissions.

On a simplified form - Signup as blogger -> Start posting --> Setup Google Adsense to your blog -> Start earning. 

Monday 6 September 2021

How to Use Facebook


How to Use Facebook

Since the start of the facebook launch somewhere in 2008, it has been a tremendeous year by year progress can be seen astonishingly huge. 

Facebook application eversince provides a front line or a life line for businessman and marketers. 

The resources such as advertisement and etc has given the edge to many people from all angle promoting or selling various topics and lots more. 

The plaform used mainly to engage with intended and focused audiences.

What makes Facebook appealing and visitors getting attracted to.

1. Profile with good outlook and creativity attracts customers, people all around.

2. Timeline shows personal post of the individual items listed in your FB which gives the edge to own collection,

3. Facebook also has something similar to Algorithm to artificial intelligence. This makes advertising easier.

4. Friends makes up a good deed in spreading the words to others.

5. There are also things like followers - they give edge as well with a new post and they are the first one to acknowledge.

6. Group is another beneficial tool as sometimes you can join the group to market and learn from others.

7. Pages, events, messenger, Story, Notification, are all the other tools given a free package when you signup with Facebook to use the services.