Wednesday 29 September 2021

Tips to loose weight

 Tips to loose weight

just my opinion that worked for me staying lean while putting on clean muscle

  • Eat only when you are hungry
  • Avoid fast food
  • Avoid junk food
  • Based on healthy food eat what your tongue crave for

SECRET - when you munch close your lips and make sure you blend the food inside your mouth , that way the food digest and absorb to your system way much better. 

I did the four things above which earlier i did not believe but i tried at least for 3 months and notice i started reducing like 7 kg later found out that hidden start to disappears.

what ever says that loosing weight can be achieved in few days or weeks well its either something you might want to think about if it can be true... the question is why you have to suffer to loose weight faster when you gain them slowly.. so if fat accumulates slowly so does loosing them will be slowly also.

Anyway what ever method you plan to follow, always consult your doctor instead blindly following any article, blog or journal.

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