Friday 8 October 2021

Tuition Centres in Malaysia Becarefull - Prevention is Better than Cure...

Do you know that its not the same going for tuition nowdays as all those pople are into or focusing to make money rather than to train you to get better. 

Simple analogy I'm sure many of you as a parents or gurdians have experience such scenario below: - Watch

@the tuition centre

Parents @ Father : Teacher, My son been coming here fore more than 7 months now and I could not see any improvement at all, Is there anything wrong that you want to tell me?

Teacher : We'll it's difficult to say, as your're son are playful and not concentrating at class. 

Parent : Then what could i do to remedy this?

Teacher : Make to dp more exercise at home.

Parents : Really, I thought that he's here at the tuition centre for a reason, trusted place where teachers have the skills that parents dont have to make students become smarter, well for that special skills, that's why we are paying hefty fees. It's kind of not acceptable to me that you mentioned not being able to control my son.

Teacher : Look sir, I have more than 200 kids to train through out the week and chances are slim to focus just on your son.

Parent : OK noted thanks, but if you have identified this scenario earlier, then you could have informed me within a month or two, where i could have save my money and opted to a new place. Why you as a teacher and observer never inform me about this? If i never ask you now and ask 2 years later, I'll bet you will end up giving the same answer. 

Teacher : Well sorry for that and we can do much. 

Parents : Thanks teachers, my son will not continue coming month onwards, thanks for all your efforts.


Do you realize folks that, how many of you were in this situation before and got trapped just by paying for a tuition without following up on the progress and yet later after year end assessment at goverment school, its too late by then to find out the tuition centre effort was a waste.

The moral of the story - We send out kids to tuition centre because we dont have the skill whereas the tuition centre teacher do, its not acceptable to hear negative comments about your kids where it shows failure of the teacher to nurture kids to the next expected level. 

All this draws down - to poor skill of the teacher whom are not trained are being hired to teach kids turning out to  bad results. 

On a contrary - its is true that these centres are there just to make money and good for them if they have smart student enrolment, so that they dont have to put on much effort. 

I'm sure in Malaysia and other parts of the world there are centres where they teach just 



Public Speaking

Bahasa Malaysia


History or Sejarah. 

Conclusion - Prevention is better than cure!!!! stop tuition centre or assess a month or so once sending your kids to ask the kids feedback and teachers feedback, from there you can compare if the centre doing their job properly and not giving crapy reasons. 


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