Monday 11 October 2021

Loose weight in 3 mins a day

Do you know that you can loose weigh just be doing simple affordable, non-lazy easy exercise just at start of the wake up in the morning?

Let me tell you what is it and later you can google, consult your physician or doctor or trainer to verify. There's never a right or wrong answer.

Well let's get started.

1. Sun Salutation ( this actually compromises a move derived from basic Yoga, it's generally doable which takes hardly 10 secs to perform 1 rep. This 1 rep has many moves embeded inside it. Don't take my word - google for th moves in youtube looks  those simple ones . Don't get complicated.

2. Push ups - 10 reps and 1 set - This steps does not require any introduction, basically if you are still not sure what is push up's then just youtube it.

3. Get you self a Good breakfast, which does not contain much of the artificial sugar, processsed food from the can or etc. I'm sure english breakfast would be the best in any part of the world like for instance if you can afford egg and bread, egg boild or cooked in any way. 

Ok - following the 3 steps after waking up allows your body to slowly trigger hormon that would function the entire day and developing your weight loss. 

Although having said that the above - dont then simply whack your way up through out the any in eating junk food and fast foods, cooked food at home is always the best and if you can get it from stalls or restaurements better as well that if you are working.

I personally tried the above 3 steps and have achieved what i wanted. the entire  point 1 and 2 only takes 2 minus to 3.  which gives results in 3 months , well if you increase the reps not more 3 for point 1 and 2, that will make your progress faster by 1-2 month.. but don't push so much in the morning as we don't want to get exhausted before starting our day at work. 

Sun Salution - Once you start doing it and you feel your body is getting flexible, you will be wondering - why i did not start this earlier in my life... which takes less than 1 minute for 1 rep. 

Trust me - push up 10 reps x 1 set takes 1 minutes , follow 10 days will give you so much confidence  and motivation at work.

Food  - On your own and you know the rules - breaching them then it is of no use loosing weight.

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