Tuesday 12 October 2021

Deepavali 2021 Malaysia

 Deepavali 2021 Malaysia

Do you know that Deepavalli is vastly celebrated by Indian's around world despite of timezone difference and others. It's basically resembles a colorful celebration where joyous event takes place with people in many region have different ways in celebrating the festival but with unique one intention which is celebrate with full heart.

In Malaysia, Indian people tend to perform some rituals a day before the actual celebration whereby setting up prayers for the deceased by preparing food and deserts with a wish or prosperity and may their soul really rest in peace.

This similar to the Chinese people where they celebrate reunion dinner and during Christmas eve celebrating reunion dinner as well. This various with different religion combining with different walks of lifes. 

For me the eve of Deepavali, my family will pray for the deceased by preparing offerings after which we celebrate the nightful events with close family and relatives. Well in the morning we do wake up early and take oil bath after which mostly we head to temple for prayers likewise sometimes we can opt to pray at home. 

In the mid morning we would start to consume indian delicacies breakfast such as Thosai, Idli, Puri and to certain extend some like to beyond the means by add more food items. 

There will be a situation that most of the Indians will be vegetarian during the morning session. ( this is got to do with a day of "Amavasai" ) in respect to full this the timing differs yearly sometime the 24hrs starts for instance from 11pm eve of Deepavalli right up to 4pm on the day of Deepavalli. Therefore during this time most devotees in a way will stay vegetarian. After which in late afternoon or in the evening they will end up being non-vegetarian to enjoy every sumptuous food prepared by the ladies at home.

Deepavalli just does not stop there, we will have lots of purchases of traditional cloths and also modern cloths nowadays. At the same time 1 month before the festive season, many household will start to make all sort of traditional cookies and biscuits. This is the most enjoyable moment as all the men, women, kids , grandparents will collaborate or work together to prepare these items. 

Ok - If you really want to know the actual meaning of Deepavalli in a more constructive way, please wiki deepavalli and you will get there.

Hope you enjoy my experience and explanation about Deepavalli.

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