Sunday 19 September 2021

The Drawing Competition


The Drawing Competition

Today, there was a drawing competition. This competition was not like the normal one. There were many rounds. There was preliminary rounds, quarter finals, semi finals and finals. There will be three winners for each standard. Since they inform the student one week before, I practice drawing everyday. When the competition started, there were few teachers came to every class and gave a piece of paper to all the students. We started drawing. I won every round and came to finals. The judge asked us to draw a scenary of a village within 30 minutes. There were only two players which was me and my best friend John. We passed our paper to the judges and they was looking at it. We both was very confused that who will win the game. Suddenly, they announced the winner which was me.I was very happy and I had RM 100 as a reward. This remind me of a saying which is hardwork pays of.

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