Friday 10 September 2021

Fidget Spinner Good for us?

Fidget spinner is basically a toy meant for kids its make up with plastic curves and little ball bearing in circle that spins for an amount of time till it stops and its quite enjoyable to play. 

I'm not sure who created this and don't want to know it as well, only intersted with it's outcome. Many parents were told by the doctors that for the kids suffering fro ADHD can have this toy so that their focus could be fine tuned. 

For me it's just another invention and nothing fancy on the medical part of it, if you like just buy and play with it. 

Toys are toys nothing more than that. 

But it's now becoming a big draw back in school where kids bring them during the classes and plays them with having less concentration at classroom.

But this for the school administration to control the kids rather than blaming the toy.
You can buy this toy from Lazada or Shopee or with you known online shopping website easily.

The cost of this toy initially was toooo expensive but overtime many company have made them cheap.

I bought a few of them from online and it hardly cost me a USD1 the quality not bad at all still spinning around.

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