Friday 3 December 2021

Weight Loss Drink - know the facts first, chemical, harmful substance, social media, weight loss fruit juice, green tea for weight loss, smooties for weight loss

 No weight loss drink can give a you a rapid weight loss quickly - know the facts

Recently i've been vetting through many websites and promotion by the publishers that they are promoting weight loss drinks that are fomulated and labled infront of the packaging of it's content. 


For me i'm not sure if it would be good or bad for me- hard to judge.

But for this remedy that are being shared on social media for example using spices, ginger, garlic and some fruit and vegetable with the right portion and intake do make sense contributing to making a good weight loss drink. 

But do know on things - anything that gives you a rapid solution with unatural formulation could be harmful.. it could give you fast result but damage internal organs in the long runs. 

Most of the weight loss drinks contains more calories then food that are required reducing the possibility of the actual intent.

As mentioned above there are some natural drinks supports in weigh loss no drink alone makes you loose weight.

I can list down some of the drinks people think will help loose weight such as consuming Ginger lemon, honey other extracts. These folks keep forgetting in their rightful mind that it's meant to be nutritious on health rather contributing towards totally on weight loss. 

Green Tea one of  the health drink but do you know over consuming could harm health and also does not reduces weight loss...

mix of fruits in blender - might sound healthy versus the calories could enlarge you body hahahaha...

caffeinated drink gives you endurance to work out but hardly reduces weight just drinking it.

Well enought said, if anyone selling rapid weight loss, analyse it first, do some research, make sure its FDA approve or supported by local government health and safety administration.

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