Friday 3 December 2021

Google Zoom and Google Meet during travelling

Hey guys if you are travelling around the world and of course always there's whatsapp on your phone.. but this sharing of information is a bit funny because not many sometimes realize that you can also use Google Zoom and Meet whereever you are travelling and want to connect to a larger groups such as family and friends,


I personally tried it when travelling to Bali, Phuket, Singapore, Los Angeles, Japan, Switzerland, London plus many more places.. simply register and connect, 

Just look for the link on my blog top left and right where i have Google zoom link and Google Meet link. 

The last time when i was in Phuket, i decided in  evening to connect to a number family and friends in my community group there were 87 of them, i created the link in Google zoom and provided to them via whatsapp., most of them joined with a simple click..

But i think there's some restriction, i hardly had the session about less then 1 hour and normally it's free, but if you planning to have more than 1 hour then registration would be required. 

Well hope this quick tips would have been much help... 

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