Friday 3 December 2021

The best herbs, vegetable, Moringa Oleifera, moringa leave, murungai, super food, moringa beverages,Vitamin C, Iron, milk, Protein, Vitamin A, Calcium, Pottasium



Myth - Do you know that vegetable is categorized as one of the super food in the world no matter how you take it. This leave can be cooked and eat. Dry it and blend it so that you can take a tea spoon maybe almost everyday or a sprinkle on daily food. 

Dry the leaf and keep in a container and later have a blend of taste similar to Green Tea extract, except this is better. You can take this as a immune booster drink as well. 

It's exciting to know when you have all in one ingredient towards success

Let's look it at this way
7  times vitamic C more than oranges
10 times vitamin A then carrot
17 times more calcium in milk
9 times protein within yogurt
15 times more pottasium then bananas
25 times iron then spinach

Now let's go to the abc's of it in terms of the nutritient 

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin), B-6
  • folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • Calcium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • zinc

Benefits abundance.

The benefits of moringa include:
Protecting and nourishing skin and hair. ...
Treating edema. ...
Protecting the liver. ...
Preventing and treating cancer. ...
Treating stomach complaints. ...
Fighting against bacterial diseases. ...
Making bones healthier. ...
Treating mood disorders.

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