Wednesday 15 December 2021

Rice with Banana leave and Mutton Curry

Indian way of Lunch that is Banana leaf rice with mutton curry.  This is how it looks like. I'm sure some of you reading my blog non indian could have atleast once in your lifetime eat lunch or dinner on banana leave.

Rice with Banana leave and Mutton Curry

Facts - Why eating on banana leave? While you serve hot rice and curry , the food is automatically aromatized in a way and the essence of banana leave then mixes with the food while you eat. It's generally known to give additional flavour and help digestion..

First up, although my mom was cooking these sumptuous meals , i had to go and scout out for Banana leaf and its not easy to find when you live in the city. Therefore it was a bit of a challenge. India restaurent wont sell banana leaf as they might need to use for their customers.

This is the start of it, filling the banana leaf with simple but interesting food items. 

I'm not a big rice eater but took a heavy portion  it..

Added what its called "apalam" or "papadam" crunchy stuff round shape..

Important category of the item mutton paratel and stir fry cabbage, these two combination are always prefered as the basic when eating mutton curry on banana leaf, while you can add other sides as well to your wish...

Cabbage added... 

Below is the complete items on banana leaf

Forgot to mention, in away its a customary to dd pickle to the banana leaf food, it ids digestion to the next level.

Started  eating a well deserved meal... 

Once you finish eating this how the bones and left overs looks like... 

Some close up of the bones 

Well i wish you should try to eat this way, nothing fancy about it, if you can't do  at home then you can always go to your nearest indian restaurent and have a try...


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