Wednesday 15 December 2021

Hydroponic using mineral water bottle wick system

I would like to share a simple method for you to try making hydroponic planting at home, it's quite easy as we speak here.. watch my video and you ill be amazed how easy it is.


All you need
  1. 1. 1.5L  used mineral water bottle
  2. 2. Buy wick from lazada or shopee or online its relatively cheap, cost around RM12 for 20 pieces.
  3. 3. Buy a seeding tray if you with Mr.DIY seeding tray only cost about RM4
  4. 4. Seeds in this case for started - i would suggest Pak Choy ( chinese cabbage )
  5. 5. Don't forget most important item ( hydroponic fertilizer A and B) , you can buy it online price ranges from RM10 to 20 depending on the bottle size that you buy.
I generally use Peatmoss to germinate by Pak Choy seeds which takes around 7 days , after which i will transfer it to the mineral water bottle where i have set it up.

Wait and monitor for 2-3 weeks and you will have the produce ready.

Enjoy trying it out. Build you own small farm. If you explore my video, i have done other methods as well by planting tomato and chili plants and other variety of plants as well.

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