Tuesday 14 December 2021

Oats for loosing weight


Oats full of soluble fibre therefore it can assist out body to loose weight. In other words, oats can leave you stomach intact full after the first intake, therefore your food craving will reduce and you won't feel hungry.


But try not to eat processed oats rather as these have added ingredients such as sugar and etc. If you eat those unprocessed oats fibre content are intact and sugar are not added.

I know most of os rushing to work in the morning therefore we need to grab fast food like breakfast and always what comes to mind is instance oats. Quite a number of brand out there.

Time to take Oats and beat the fat in your body, well morning would be the best time as it will start loading all those fibres into each and every part so called in your body.

Weight loss process then starts.

You need to know that not just by having oats the work is done, you also need brief exercise and also other work life balance in place not only at work but at home.

For example avoiding junk food, fast food, processed food etc as the list could go on...

Since Oats tends to have low in calorie and high in protein, thereby it would be good for those having bigger belly as fat burning process will start to happen as it will start to burn calorie.

Oats gives energy and also lowers calories where its needed, you would be suprise 1 month later after a discipline way of consuming oats for your breakfast, 

Well try to meassure weight and waist 1st day of consumption with life changing habits of day to day living and in 30 days you should compare and see if there are results, if there's none then you are not doing it rite.

Everyone has a wrong assumption that if consuming oats would aid weight loss, therefore they will consume day and night of loads of oats replacing lunch and dinner. This is wrong. remember oats full of protein and low in calorie, just do the maths, what happen if you load up too much protein to your body - it can get disastereous. fatty old mean witch or donkey.. hahaha.

Well simple food - take the test for a month - measure - if there's result continue and repeat till you achive the desired outlook of your body. 

Please spread & pass on the above details to friends, family and hope this will be a game changer for most of you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey that's really ausome... i really needed this tip..
