Tuesday 14 December 2021

Benefit of Cloves

Clove tree often produce flower buds that eventually what would turn out to be as what we look below at the end. Not much to it...

 This cloves to too medicinal although most in india and other part of asia its vastly used as part of cooking herbs , with its rich aroma and taste in curry's and other sort of cooking. 

Due to nature of antioxidant content in clove it give lots of benefits to ones health.

Do you know if you have toothache, just pick a clove and start to slow munch at the place where the tooth ache is, it will fade away. but not helpful if you already have a serious problems already.

Clove been found to help reduce heart disease and almost helps to prevent cancer.

Very rare we find that cloves causing side effect but if you take a percentage then maybe 1 in 1000 might have issues such as skin iritation, gum ulcer, itchiness and others.

Can you consume clove daily? Yes you can infact it helps your stomach if detected any ailment, combats sore throat  and many more.

I personally chew a piece of clove everytime when i leave house for two reason

1. Protects Throat - incase of covid spreading, some protection there and it can last for 8hrs if you just keep at side of your mouth beside the gums.

2. To a good breath when you talk to anyone - the best you can find. not many knows about it.

Clove also known to boost your immune system to a certain extent therefore any free radical or upcoming issues can be prevented. 

Try adding this spice to your cooking and also consume one a day when you leave home to else for bad breath and protection to throat.

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