Thursday 9 December 2021

How to loose weight without diet


Do you know that you can loose weight without restricting yourself on any food intake, you can even eat burgers and fries, fast food, starbucks, pastries, desert, etc etc etc.

You might be thinking if you are on the correct site or am i insane..

Well ... look below..

1. You can eat fast food, fancy drink but the portion quantity need to be very minimal, when you take minimal salt, sugar, starch, fats are taken at a lower rate, while you enjoy your meal. 

For example -  if you have small, medium and large package always go for the small package and choose the options with less sugar and cheese.

2. Reduce your food intake daily - if you are person eating 1 plate full of everything then try half plate, practise yourself on this.

3. Munch your food well before it goes to the stomach, if you never grind it properly in your mouth then your stomack wont send the food to the right place and not process it rite. either it will be dumped out as waste or parked as fat or sugar into your cells hence causing health problems.

4. Make sure you eat good and heavy protein from start of your day and slowly reduce as for lunch and dinner, have a balance. 

5. What ever you eat make sure it get processed and flushed out the next day, thats the real rule.. if it stays chances are you have not munch the food properly for your stomach to process.

Well that's the short tips that i can think off and been doing to keep my body fit and healthy. 

If you think you can fullfill all the above then go and see a doctor or dietician to develop a eating habits...cheers...

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