Friday 10 December 2021

How to make Chapati, Best Chapati

 Chapati has been name by Indian flat bread or Tortilla but Chapati is chapati.. nobody can change it.

The wheat flour in action when comes to chapati, during those days when hunger strikes, north indians only consume 1 chapati that could last them a day giving them full energy and power to sustain throughout the day, its known to be a staple food up north.

Although it sounds very easy to make which consist of Wheat flour, water, salt and if you want add ghee or little butter.

Use flat pan to heat till it get cooked. 

Now if you look below, it looks easy to make the dough to a perfection and roll and heat it.. 

Unfortunately, if i give you these ingredients and steps, chances you will never perfect it the first 10-30 times , now that's a lots of try...

The consistency of the dough matters, not too dry, not too wet, or not too buttery/ oily.

If you want to make sure if you have done it right, then once heated and cooked to perfection, tear the chapati apart and you should see few layers on top one another and it need to be soft. if you get that then its done.

Now when you eat chapati - it can be taken with any side dish, most people prefer chicken curry or fish curry, or chalna. it goes with anything.

Don't get mistaken chapati to tortilla, its totally different.

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