Wednesday 8 December 2021

The Benefits of Garlic, Medicinal and Miracle spice for Health, Allicin

Do you know that Garlic has it's own story when comes to addling flavour to your cooking and infact i would say 80% perhaps household family, reataurent use them everyday and never to be missed. Therefore you can go any part of the world and find Garlic.

You would have obviously noticed there are few grades of Garlic from bigger size to smaller size and they are graded based on quality and the country it comes from.

Some interesting facts - You know Penecilin the antibiotic, well garlic is famous for that, it has this allicin which is being release when its being crushed and eaten raw. few decade ago this was used as an alternative towards antibiotics. 

Garlic Contains a powerful antioxidant that are very beneficial to health - over consumption cause stomach pain and heartburns therefore consume wisely, i bet this is related with eating them raw. 

Garlic known infamously to help maintain and reduce BP or Blood Pressure. It is very highly nutritious with Vitamin C, B6, Manganese, Selenium,Fibre and has very minimal calories.

Ok lets get on to the benefits

1. It lower your blood pressure that all you need to know
2. Lowers Cholesterol
3. Prevent heart diseases while improving the blood vessel.
4. Sports person should learn to eat garlic to improve their endurance
5. It's known for centuries before pharmaceutical exist that is combating common flu and cold.
6. Good for your skin making it smooth and silky prevent skin disease
7. Hahah Good for your brain as well.
8. If you need sturdy bones making them looks stronger.

Therefore never look low on Garlic and make sure you practise eating them of course not raw but atleast include them into your cooking and daily food program.

Tips - Maybe you can slice thin raw Garlic cloves and put them in Burgers and sandwiches , you will never now it even exist.


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