Wednesday 8 December 2021

Cardamom Health Benefits

Why Cardamom?

Before we talk about Cardamom, let me tell you that Cardamon is one of the most expensive spice in the world infact it's categorized as the 3rd most expensive spice amongst others.

Do you know cardamon is mainly to aid digestion long time back and now due to the aroma and taste it's vastly used in cooking dishes.

Facts : - The first expensive spices are saffron, second is vanilla and third comes cardamom

One of the main reason for cardamon to be expensive is due to its harvesting nature, farmers need to pluck 7-8 kg in order to produce the actual 1kg of produce or final products.

Benefits of Cardamom good for you?

1. The dueratic properties enables lowering blood sugar.

2. It's best known of anti-inflamory agent benefiting in and out.

3. It also known to have cancer fighting capabilities - before early stages if were taken it helps.

4. One things i love the most with cardamom is that it gives a very good breath for those always having a bad breath situation.

5. If you indigestion issue after consuming meals - this is the best treatment i ever found helps me most of the time.

6. The capabilities to reduce stomach ulcers.

7. The anti-bacterial and lowering sugar are also noted.

8. There are more benefits but i stated the ones that i know ... could be 100 more ++

Let's face it - it comes from ancient medication possibly originated from India as part of their ayurvedic treatment and it vastly used in cooking unintentionaly promoting good health while serving food.

How to consume it?

If you ask me - just take 1 cardamon pot a day munch, chew and suck the juice out of it, I would bet you will never regret. I normally do not buy the ready made powdered ones not sure how its made. 
If you want the power version, well do it yourself, peal the skin and take the seeds and once you have the quatity that you need, just dry blend it. There you go with natural powder version of Cardamom.

Maybe try this - sprinkle in you tea and coffee and enjoy the taste. 


1 comment:

  1. really interesting on cardamon ... will try it anyway...
