Sunday 22 January 2023

Radiator heat up, water coolant sensor = SOLVED!!!


When you have radiator heat up during summer or hot day and not at night while there's no radiator leaks or water in the radiator tank evaporated. Well its possibly due to the mechanics parts have failed. 

It's very rare for radiator thermostat to fail, host leak, radiator fan not working or even water to evapoate. All these are mostly due to 

the signal that triggers radiator fan to work when needed which is controlled by the "WATER COOLANT SENSOR"

Radiator heat up, water coolant sensor = SOLVED!!!

This device cost a fraction of the cost of what normally cost you to fix the entire radiator and YET you will never get the problem solved. 

When you have the slightest signal for the first few times but there's no radiator leaks and fan works sometimes and not.. then its good to invest small amount of money to replace the "water coolant sensor" and observe for couple of weeks before determining other issues with engine get's heated up.

This probably not the 80% fix but could play a very important role that no foreman would want to tell you.

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