Tuesday 12 April 2022

Madurai Kumar Mess - Fish Tava Fry Chennai

I would say after eating at Madurai Kumar Mess i will never forget the moments especially the fish tava  fry. Although i never go into the kitchen but i had a feel how they would have done it. 

I decided to head to my local supermarket or kasap kadai for fresh fish as you can see below. Obviously the above is the end result.

While waiting for my fish to get ready, i decided to head to nearby juice stall for a healthy drink as it's summer now...

The drink was not bad indeed...

Back to my fist story .. all the spices added up....

Tava fry in action.. tava meaning flat surface with less oil to fry fish similar to how burgers are being done in Malaysia like of you remember Ramly's burger.

Some snaps i took while frying it was tempting as if it feels like Madurai Kumar mess food... 

Few turns and as fish are almost there 

While writting this post all the fist are alredy in my stomach.. that's how delicous it was making Fish tava fry....


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