Saturday 2 April 2022

Cleaning your gas stove

Do you its very important to make sure that your gas stove end of day does not look like any of the picture in this blog. This is a clear sign of poor maintenance.

It's a rule of thumb to keep your kitchen clean not only wet areas but also after cooking to ensure all the oil spills are to be washed a way from the fire 🔥 area, if it's left out then the debrie will start to harden hence the lifespan of your stove will be shorter. 

Realistically to clean is not that hard, for instance once you have cooked and removed the pan from the stove always wipe away excess dirt, oil and debrie and this will firstly ensure that the products will stay how it was on the first day of purchase. 

Once you never clean and planning to leave to rot, well  i feel sorry for you because your cheap or expensive stove or a stove after warranty going to suffer the pain and causing you the pain interms of lost of good. 

Our mentality will be then to just blame the vendor and supplier for the stove not to work properly but on the other hand if we take care of it properly it would last for many-3  years. 

I do agree those days when my mom bought stove in the 1990's the stove lasted like 10years plus but never spoil an inch and at the same time it was cheap. unlikely stove nowadays for some reason looks almost the same but cost in thousands.. not sure why.. vendore claims good parts are used but then why the dirt and fault happens within 3 month. 

Last i know my mom hardly clean the stove in the 1990's yet no issues, nowadays we need to clean otherwise the fault on us...... hahahahahahaha


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