Sunday 20 March 2022

Pepper Dosa recipe


Pepper Dosa is most of Tamil Nadu's population favourite dish regardless it diverts little bit from the original thosai or dosa recipe. 

Here how i make it.

Get ready dosa mix sometime you can make it yourself or buy ready made from any nearby grocerry shop,,, if you watch serial Bharathi Kannama - Kanama supply dosa mau.

Stir it up nicely...

Add cumin power and i personally lice Aashi masala 

We are doing Pepper dosa or thosai so definately need pepper powder.

Mix it thoroughly...

Of course  you need curry to eat your dosa so i made simple ventayam curry...simple to make just google the ingredients you will be suprise how easy to make with simple ingredients. 

This how the making of curry looks like.

Time to heat up the dosa hot plate take a cut of onion like in my video and apply across the entire plate, this avoids the hot plate to get sticky with dosa flour..

How to do it above.

Now pour the dosa mix and spread it out they way it suppose to be..

Of course it looks a bit of brown pepper colour that's how it should look like end result. 

Plate it and i do another one.. as one is always never enough...

Of course forgot to tell you that put on ghee oil and spread it across and will lift up the dosa taste a the next level...

Ofcourse what else start eating and i hope my way of preparing pepper thosai dosa would make your day....

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