Tuesday 15 March 2022

Drumstik Sambar - Murungakai Sambar


Today I'm going to share my recipe and how i make Murugakai sambar or better known as Drumstik Sambar as it's been lately as part of international favourite dishes. 

Well first of course traditionally we cook rice and while the rice cooking we will prep all the neccesary items. 

Now in the pressure cooker pot add water and spill over all the vegetable cut items as if you can add as many vegetable's you want to make more stunning. 

While the pot is boiling with vegatable, I've prepared Murungakai or drumstik later on to be added into the pressure cooker.

At the mean time dry spices are being roasted and waiting to be heated up to be poured once the sambar is ready as this would be part of the fiinal touch in making sambar. 

While the vegetable are cooked in the pot some people will leave it as it is as they like it chunkier while i did puree it. 

Once pureed add the cut drumstk and leave to a boil and since I'm using pressure cooker it's easier and faster. 

Drumstik are added in..

Time to add Aachi masala mix

Now it's time for pressure cooker to do its job..

As for earlier prepared dry spices, its time to fry it onto oil and then to be poured into the sambar

Time to eat.....


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