Tuesday 7 December 2021

Wanted to Loose Weight - Eat all you can to loose weight, Loose weight no food restriction

 If you want to loose weight there are several ways to accomplish them and obviously it takes time. Anyone whom promise short term goal in weight loss ( well I'm not sure if scientifically good for the body) obviously fast turn around way of loosing weight always associated with chemical intake to your body.

i personally find ways that are naturally done in order to loose weight with a decent time...

1. Eat healthy and eat healthy

2. Stop on Junk food - i really mean it

3. Stop on eating protein that are processed

4. Make sure to consume good protein

5. Stop taking cold beverages, eventhough on a hot climate

6.  Don't have to be vegetarian but make sure to add vegetables to you food 

7. Exercise - does not have to hit the gym or heavy zumba... brisk walk would do 10 to 20 minutes.

8. Sleep well - meaning you will need 8 - 9 hours of sleep, sleeping less or more will cause obsesity.

9. Avoid snacking orha g food 4 hours before sleeping.. or eat food that processes faster in your body. 

10. Grab fruits and nuts whenever you have time.

As you can see the above are the list i follow, i have not stated any food that are too the extreme neither getting into strick diet.

The point is you can consume daily food as usual, sometimes volume of intake does not matter but make sure those food are healthy and eaten at the right timing. 

Good Luck.....

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