Monday 13 December 2021

Viral Blogging

   It's difficult to make a blog entry become famous online. There's no mystery ingredient to make each post a hit. Notwithstanding, there are a lot of things you can do to expand your odds. 

An incredible blog can be an immense resource for you – it feels extraordinary to make and can point out the thing you're doing. The issue is that if no one sees your post it's not helpful to anyone other than you. There are huge loads of ideas around the web to direct people to your blog and the majority of them work somewhat. Most aren't so powerful. There's truly only one approach to make a mainstream blog: making incredible substance that can transform people to improve things. It's tied in with putting yourself out there and making an association.

I always consider the following whenever posting a blog

1. Optimization for Keyword - Google keyword tool is the right option

2. Images are always about attracting viewers - try to add pics

3. Grammer mistake well i dont really worry about that... but good to have clean and understanding content.

when you are done post to many venus possible to get attraction and test your bullet proof blog. Like posting them to

1. Friends email

2. Linkedin

3. Facebook

4. Google +

5. Yahoo 

6. Reddit

7. Twitter

8. Youtube 

9 plus many more

The sequence above not important but you can choose which comforts you.

KISS method

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