Monday 6 December 2021

New Year 2022 - What to expect

Every year the Globe is uprisng with new Technologies, inventions, dieases, climate change,  North and South pole melting rate, but the cool side is that there are people and organization tackling this issue in a very professional way.. so our worries can be put a side..

The best thing happen so far in 2021...


1. Pandemic Covid-10 Dec 2019 - Vaccine being identified and administered which is a good sign.

2. People got and became techie overnight from kids right up to adult even if IT is not their turf, this is due to the way of working, studying have changed due  the pandemic.

3. Global SOP and cleanliness are administered and self awareness are being accomplished extra ordinarily.

4. 50% of the popullation do not drive to work anymore and this gives added value for them to spend more time productively at home and rushing to work while taking improper break or very little breakfast..

5. Houswifes perform more cookings at home, where prevviously we do not endevour the time to do it.

6. Kids at home most of the time learning new ways of living not only wasting time on gadgets but learning how to use gadgets for education purpose since Google Classroom was initiated by all country globally.

7. Driving are lesser now, meaning polution getting low. Less wear and tear.

8. People have become more wise in spending instead of wasting time on unwanted items.

9. Online purchase was more used and this has created convinience while for the job oppotunities were increased. 

10. Government around the world streamline education system maybe to a perfection, now they study unnecessary subject that are not relevant to be removed and also make studying more easier while gaining knowledge..

11.  People are learning on how to make dumplings and pizza's at home or even baking cake.

12. People are going through online enducation more since they have cut unnessary travelling time, time management has become more effective.

13. With self awareness on health many are doing more indoor exercise like yoga..

14.  Many have started planting their own greens for own consumptions. 

15.  Well there are more... but i find these are preety common ones that many have easily achieved.

Well done...


Looking forward 2021 - Start of a brand new year.

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