Monday 13 December 2021

How to Make Money with Youtube

Do you know that with a simple way using your mobile or desktop or laptop with internet connection, you will be able to earn money. Let me go straight to the holy grail which of course need your effort, nothing is free in the world. But once you establish them, it would like as if it's free money flowing.

Steps to endure yourself - road to victory.

There are 2 ways you can earn money with youtube. Some of you might know it.

First way

1. Creating youtube shorts, all you have to do just take shorts below 1 minutes or a vertical video below 1 minute could be 5 secs to 10sec, you decide, add music , text if you want and then post to youtube. 

Youtube have this program where they have allocated USD100 to be shared with all the shortlisted youtuber whom created best shorts, maybe they measure those who got the most views i guess. 

Many countries are now included, you can just wiki youtube shorts and you will know.

Sample of my shorts video that within a day gets 900 views.

Second way - Create a video of your niche, if it's realistic like vlog or if you need editing then go for some open license free software like openshot to be creative in producing videos. duration does not matter. 

For this you need to achive like 1000 subscriber and 4000 watch hours to get qualified before your video's being eligble for monetization. 

Facts - Watch hours from Shorts are not counted in for Second way method but subscriber do.

Therefore i would like to share some strategy.

1. Create shorts as much as possible and eventually by a month of so you will get 1000++ subscriber, at this point watch hour does not matter.

Some statistics over my gains over viewer statistics.

2. Now since you have subcribers- start selecting a nich and work through creating your video and start posting them. 

Then create a simple video like below

The first way and second way needs time to achieve and it's doable. trust. easy money.. 

The thing is that you need to make alot of video, keep on making them without fail. I believe if you have over 100-400 video then you might end up generating a revenue of USD100-400/week

Just check out some social blade accounts of Youtuber and you will know it yourself.

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