Sunday 19 December 2021

Gardening Hack - Midvalley Aeon Big

Let's start from seeds all type of seeds that you need can be found with a reasonable price at Aeon Big Midvalley. I tried planting corriander and chili plants and it grew like nobody...

Of course you will need polybag if you are beyong amateur unless you can plan onto pot...and obviously gardening tools are a necessity otherwise you will be making your hand dirty..

Different plans require different type of soils and perhaps if you starting with seeding the you would need peatmoss rather then organic soil... below are samples..

Hibiscus i bought and it was good that my plants grew beyong expectation..

Few more stacks of many type of organic soils from different vendors...

Look no further elsewhere as all you can get it here...Potting mix with many varieties

You can get your water bottle or spraying bottle with adjustable nossle this is really necessary if you planning to water your plants or spraying pesticide...

I was shocked after seeing too many pot with various size, colours and shapes it was hard to resist....

You can see below..., I forget to snap seeding tray but its there... obviously what you see in this blog is just 30% of the items and there more that you should see for your self...

Far view....

Well you can get all your gardening stuffs here and enjoy your gardening....


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