Saturday 4 September 2021

How to stay calm, depression, anxiety

How to stay calm, depression, anxiety



Body, mind and soul are needed in one state by nature, otherwise things can go wrong in day to day living. I find most people don;t manage depression and anxiety feeling correctly or neither they have tips. But maybe i would like to list a few best approaches that would make sense for you to try if you have any issues.

1. Breath in and out slowly.

2. Change your mind and focus to another topic.

3. Forget Anger and Anxiety and try to think about happiness.

4. Listen to music that you like and which makes you happy, I would normally listen to tunes that relaxes my mind like the above.

5. Go for a walk to get some fresh air.

6. Make more frequent social gathering activity with friends.

7. Go hiking or fishing.

8. Chocolate can be your best bites when you are stressful.

9. Just don't bother about problem and maybe go for movie.

10. Learn to play guitar, i'd remember it helped me.

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