Thursday 19 August 2021

How to Start a Google zoom meeting?

When you launch Zoom from your desktop, it will like the above. It's very easy to use

Hey all, I found an interesting site or article about accessing or on how to use Google Zoom 

This site has a step by step guide on Google Zoom
How to use Zoom
In this blog have included links to the most favourite sites providing information, thanks to the author as you may visit their site for further information. 
You may actually follow the simple steps, it's easy and navigational for those already launch the screen.
  1. Sign in to your Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Meetings.
  3. Click Schedule a Meeting.
  4. Choose the date and time for your meeting.
  5. (Optional) Select any other settings you would like to use.
  6. Click Save.
However, when you intend to get started and possibly have doubts on FAQ, you may use this keyword as a search in google for answers. There will be varied but the answers are the same. 

Getting Started

Where do I begin?

How do I log in?

Where do I find the desktop or mobile app?

What do I do after I launch the app?

How do I start a meeting?

My Meetings

How do I configure the settings?

What can I do in a meeting?

Before your meeting:

Control video and audio quality.

Think about your background.

The most common Zoom problems and how to fix them

step by step how to use zoom,
how to join a zoom meeting for the first time,
how to use zoom app on android,
how to use zoom on laptop,
how to use zoom on ipad,
how to use zoom meeting on phone,
how to use zoom for free,
how to use zoom app
Fix Zoom issue,
Zoom Background change

Tuesday 17 August 2021

How to Loose Weight in 5 Days


                          BEFORE AND AFTER 

During my research on losing weight, i notice that there's a significance in doing so by having the most balanced diet and discipline. However, that's not all. Here are some of the quick tips that you can already take charge in losing weight, for instance below: -

  1. Eat a high-protein breakfast. ...
  2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. ...
  3. Drink water before meals. ...
  4. Choose weight-loss-friendly foods. ...
  5. Eat soluble fiber. ...
  6. Drink coffee or tea. ...
  7. Base your diet on whole foods. ...
  8. Eat slowly.

As stated by many professional bodies that there's a fair amount of weight loss recommended, not too much or too little. 1 to 2 pounds recommended.

In eating habits, you have to implement losing some and gaining some. 

Loosing is like eating fewer CARBS

Gaining is like eating more protein in a balanced manner and more vegetables and fruits.

Inducing Exercise - simple like even brisk walking would do

Make sense right -> and weight loss will come your way.

Sunday 15 August 2021

Scrum Master - What is it actually ( Role, Artefacts and Events )

 When it comes to projects management, agile approach, Project manager, Scrum Master do exist, however, I find it very interesting to know SCRUM

What is a Scrum Master?

SCRUM is about developing and sustaining complex products in a way where it its a collection for roles and events and artifacts and rules. It's also used as a sure way to assess the correctness and efficiency of your project in practice where improvement areas can be noticed. 

The founder is Schwaber and Stherland (1995) 

SCRUM is playing Football where it's an agile framework with a set of rules in a nutshell.

It was developed somewhere around the early 1990s 

I found one Scrum Practises table which contains roles, artifacts, and events, and it's very interesting.

The Scrum Master can be a full-time or Part-time job and the role mostly belongs to one person in a department or organization. Their role is to lead the daily standup with the scrum theory attached and basically coaches the relevant team member. 

What Is a Scrum Master? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

The Scrum Master Attributes are quite unique as well as its all about being a collaborator, humble where they do not take pride.  They have to be responsible, influential, committed, and knowledgeable.

SCRUM Master is normally chosen by the experience of having a leadership and team lead experience. The Scrum Master team are a self-organizing team.

It's also known that we should NOT use a contract Scrum Master for Long-term projects as it may jeopardize risk. 

SCRUM TEAM Responsibility

SCRUM Theory (decision-based on evidence ) 

- Transparency

- Inspection

- Adaptation

Some topic summary area that i feel required to know. 

Scrum Overview

Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment

Summary: The scrum master helps to facilitate scrum to the larger team by ensuring the scrum framework is followed. He/she is committed to the scrum values and practices, but should also remain flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

Summary of SCRUM Artefacts

Mostly PRINCE2 is conducted in a BAU environment where mostly there is no end date. However, these are also related to projects as well. 


Prince2 The Agilometer Focus Area - Knowing the Risk Areas

The Agilometer Focus Area 

While attending and adapting knowledge during my course on Prince2 Agile, there was an interesting topic that i went through which is Agilometer. It is not an electronic device but a concept mechanism to evaluate using 6 main key areas, Do you know in the Prince 2 Agile - The Agilometer is a very interesting topic where it provides the below:- 

1. It shows risk areas while performing projects

2. Benefits are noticeable

Gives us a guided decision in an informed manner

Assessment at the start of the project

The assessment is also repeated regularly where the project manager updates all of this area

In this Agilo the slider below is used to rank from low to high with suitable events where there are 6 key areas. 

How to use Social Media to your Advantage

 It doesn't make any difference in the event that you run a little nearby shop or a major public organization. Online media is a fundamental piece of your business showcasing system. 

Social stages assist you with interfacing your clients, increment mindfulness about your image, and lift your leads and deals. With multiple billion individuals all throughout the planet utilizing web-based media consistently, the clients and commitment on significant stages simply continue to increment. 

What you cannot deny is that you're prepared to get your organization's online media going at present. You don't have to know each scary popular expression or have the enchantment number of supporters. You can begin quickly—and even have a ball all the while. 

Online media gives enormous potential to organizations since customers constantly sign on to it day by day and are presented to organizations. It likewise presents immense difficulties for organizations, in any case, since it's an always changing space that is incredibly loud and swarmed. 

It tends to be hard to stay aware of developing patterns via online media, so B2B audits and evaluations firm Clutch joined forces with advertising organization Smart Insights to become familiar with the present status of web-based media promoting; they reviewed 344 web-based media advertisers from around the world to decide the worth of web-based media, the most captivating substance to share, normal difficulties, and what web-based media assets organizations are putting resources into.

1. Stand out enough to be noticed and Build Awareness 

In the event that individuals don't think about your business, they can't turn into your clients. Online media helps your perceivability among likely clients, allowing you to contact a wide crowd by utilizing a lot of time and exertion. What's more, it's allowed to make a business profile on every one of the significant interpersonal organizations, so you don't have anything to lose. 

Here's a reality: online media content stands out enough to be noticed. 

Be that as it may, it's truly simple for a purchaser to become overpowered on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other online media stages loaded up with commotion from organizations attempting to advance their brands. How might an organization make an important substance in a particularly packed space? 

Characterize what you need to escape online media to foster a web-based media technique for brand mindfulness. Do you need new clients to find your administrations? Do you expect to bring more nearby customers into your stores? By keeping your methodology explicit, you can figure out which online media channels are the best fit for your business. 

. 2. Convey Authority 

Clients are progressively savvier and more knowledge about which organizations they support. Prior to settling on a choice, they'll do a speedy inquiry to peruse your site and online media. 

Will they track down an unfilled customer-facing facade or a rich wellspring of data? Setting up powerful profiles that you update every now and again with important substance will construct your image's position and ensure you establish a positive initial connection through online media, showing that your business is dependable, learned, and congenial. 

Search for approaches to show your aptitude as a suspected forerunner in your industry—like composing pieces identified with your skill or developing your organization's central goal. By showing what your business offers and qualities, you will build up trust in likely clients. 

3. Show Authenticity 

Clients aren't keen on organizations that distribute dry, corporate-style online media posts. 

All things being equal, let your image's character radiate through in all that you share via online media. What does your image voice sound like? How can it address what your identity is? While brands should be pleasant and compassionate to their crowds, discover a voice and stand firm. 

Work on getting your tone perfectly, regardless of whether it's relaxed and amusing or formal and amicable. Be consistent with what your identity is, not who you figure you ought to be. Devotees need to see genuine individuals behind their social profiles. Show them. 

4. Support Engagement 

Once in a while, an apparently straightforward web-based media post, for example, one advancing a couple of shoes, can get a few likes, remarks, and offers. Individuals can even inquire as to whether they have accepted their shoes, how long the transportation required, in the event that they preferred them, and different inquiries. 

Web-based media starts the discussion for moment association, relationship building, and client dedication. 

Social channels advance, continually delivering new elements, and this quickly changing climate can be scary for some entrepreneurs. 

However, recall: you don't need to do everything. Play with better approaches to interface with your crowd, and allow yourself to learn as you go. At some point, you could post a progression of Instagram Stories to give clients an in-the background visit through your office. The following, you could have a fast Q&A meeting through Facebook Live video web-based. After some time, you'll find out about your supporters' inclinations. 

You can make drawing-in video content for online media with a straightforward arrangement—great lighting, a cell phone, and amount. Likewise, do a trial before you go live to ensure your web association or area of interest has sufficient speed to stay away from postponements and interferences. 

5. Develop Affordably 

Indeed, online media isn't a spot to be excessively salty, yet all things considered, it's an advertising channel and you need not disregard the chance to make deals, should it introduce itself. Supported data on timetables, recordings with CTAs, cross-channel retargeting, and shoppable posts are the backbone of web-based media. 

Showcasing costs add up, and only one out of every odd business can manage the cost of gigantic missions. In any case, you can get a ton of significant worth for your dollar with online media promotion. Your business, paying little heed to estimate or financial plan, has a chance to develop your crowd and arrive at your destinations through promotions on friendly stages like Facebook and Instagram. Regardless of whether stages, for example, Instagram are principally equipped towards commitment, there are set up approaches to expand deals on them. 

Most organizations are information-driven, yet web-based media is certifiably not a settled forever science. For instance, you can look at a promotion that has an image of an immense scoop of liquefying chocolate frozen yogurt finished off with a hill of whipped cream. You may not mull over it, yet after three days, you might stop by Baskin-Robbins since you were needing a scoop of chocolate frozen yogurt. Online media can add to the purchaser's dynamic interaction like that. 

When assembling a promotion crusade, realize who you're attempting to reach and what objective you need to accomplish so you don't squander any of your spending plan on pointless publicizing. Stay away from excessive sales promotions, and choose content that teaches or engages (or does both simultaneously). 

6. Offer Help 

Social stages have effectively separated obstructions among organizations and their clients. Presently, rather than calling a client care line, many individuals go to Facebook or Twitter to take care of issues or discover data. 

Foster your standing as a responsive, caring brand by offering support through friendly channels: 

Make a framework for following client remarks, questions, and protests via web-based media. 

React as fast as conceivable to questions and concerns. 

Make a special effort to be positive and supportive. 

Pay attention to analysis and cause clients to feel appreciated. 

Realize when to determine public discussions in private messages. 

Web-based Media is Essential for Businesses 

Online media is a vital piece of your business advertising, yet it doesn't need to be upsetting to oversee. Venture out, make a profile, and begin drawing in with your clients. 

As it keeps on meshing itself into the everyday examples of our lives, more customers will go to new and forthcoming social stages for buying choices. The individuals who have a solid online media presence and marking will expand transformation rates, while those without dynamic web-based media missions could lose likely clients.

Key Tags

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Social media advantages

The Norm in Science on Why Many People Believe in Psychic Power


Telepathy and the capacity to anticipate what's to come are not abilities individuals by and large partner with humanity. However, research shows many individuals truly put stock in the presence of mystic forces. 

You would feel that occurrences of demonstrated mystic misrepresentation over the course of the years would debilitate the believability of clairvoyant cases. There have been verifiable cases.

there are as yet many individuals who solidly have faith in the force of mystic capacity. As indicated by a US Gallup review, for instance, more than one-fourth of individuals accept people have mystic capacities – like clairvoyance and perceptiveness.

The So-Called Believers

A new report might assist with revealing some insight into why individuals keep on having faith in clairvoyant forces. The examination tried adherents and cynics with the very degree of instruction and scholarly execution and found that individuals who put stock in clairvoyant forces think not so great. This implies that they will in general decipher the world from an emotional individual point of view and neglect to consider data basically.

Dubious and general 

Mystic cases are regularly broad and ambiguous – like anticipating a plane accident or VIP passing – and this is to some degree why such countless individuals put stock in the chance of clairvoyant capacities. 

This is known as The Barnum impact, a typical mental marvel whereby individuals will, in general, acknowledge dubious, general character depictions as remarkably appropriate to themselves.

Blended proof 

Another factor that works with confidence in mystic capacity is the presence of logical examination that gives positive discoveries. This builds up devotees' perspectives that cases are real and wonder genuine, however, disregards that reality that distributed examinations are regularly condemned and replication is fundamental all together for the general acknowledgment to happen.


So it appears to be that notwithstanding events of fakery, fabrication and falseness – just as blended proof – individuals will in any case keep on having faith in clairvoyant wonders. cIndeed, research has shown that one out of three Americans feel they have encountered a clairvoyant second – and almost 50% of US ladies guarantee they have felt the presence of a soul. 

Regardless of whether this is down to absence of scientific abilities, veritable encounters, or simply in a bid to make the world somewhat really intriguing, it appears devotees will keep on accepting – in spite of science demonstrating something else.

Sunday 1 August 2021

Cara Tanam Serai Dalam Polibeg Cocopeat, Ada info sedikit tentang tanaman Halia. Planting Lemongrass


Dalam video ini saya share pengalaman saya cara tanam serai biasa atau wangi dalam polibeg, kita juga boleh tanam di pasu atau dimana sahaja. Tetapi cara saya guna adalah dengan mengunakan cocopeat, sabut kelapa. tambah nutrien seperti baja AB yang tertentu. 

Sambil menanam serai, saya juga mengambil kesempatan untuk share tanaman halia dalam polibeg dengan mengunakan cocopeat, menarik juga cara seperti yang ini..

Jika anda ingin tahu cara tanaman serai dan tips lain, sila tonton video saya diatas.