Sunday 15 August 2021

Scrum Master - What is it actually ( Role, Artefacts and Events )

 When it comes to projects management, agile approach, Project manager, Scrum Master do exist, however, I find it very interesting to know SCRUM

What is a Scrum Master?

SCRUM is about developing and sustaining complex products in a way where it its a collection for roles and events and artifacts and rules. It's also used as a sure way to assess the correctness and efficiency of your project in practice where improvement areas can be noticed. 

The founder is Schwaber and Stherland (1995) 

SCRUM is playing Football where it's an agile framework with a set of rules in a nutshell.

It was developed somewhere around the early 1990s 

I found one Scrum Practises table which contains roles, artifacts, and events, and it's very interesting.

The Scrum Master can be a full-time or Part-time job and the role mostly belongs to one person in a department or organization. Their role is to lead the daily standup with the scrum theory attached and basically coaches the relevant team member. 

What Is a Scrum Master? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

The Scrum Master Attributes are quite unique as well as its all about being a collaborator, humble where they do not take pride.  They have to be responsible, influential, committed, and knowledgeable.

SCRUM Master is normally chosen by the experience of having a leadership and team lead experience. The Scrum Master team are a self-organizing team.

It's also known that we should NOT use a contract Scrum Master for Long-term projects as it may jeopardize risk. 

SCRUM TEAM Responsibility

SCRUM Theory (decision-based on evidence ) 

- Transparency

- Inspection

- Adaptation

Some topic summary area that i feel required to know. 

Scrum Overview

Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment

Summary: The scrum master helps to facilitate scrum to the larger team by ensuring the scrum framework is followed. He/she is committed to the scrum values and practices, but should also remain flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

Summary of SCRUM Artefacts

Mostly PRINCE2 is conducted in a BAU environment where mostly there is no end date. However, these are also related to projects as well. 


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