Saturday 25 December 2021

Sistem Penanam secara fertigasi, fertigasi cili, fertigation system


Kalau anda ingin tahu cara tanaman setting fertigasi, sila rujuk video saya, dengan secara teliti saya tunjuk ajar secara mudah sistem pengairan untuk tanaman dalam pot, polibeg atau vertical tower seperti yang saya tanam. 

Katakan kita ada , berberapa pot di laman rumah dan sentiasa tidak mempunyai masa beri air pada pokok, jadi dengan sistem fertigasi yang mudah , anda boleh cuba.

Barang dan kos yang diperlukan

1. Paip pvc 16mm ikut panjang mana anda perlu lebih kurang RM14 - 4meter

2. Tiub Micro 1mm dengan batang drip - 20kaku 1mm tiub kos lebih kurang RM10, drip - 70sen/satu

3. Pump aquarium yang ada kelapa boleh muat paip pvc 16mm -lebih kurang RM30-50 - kalau banyak pokok pakai pumb aquarium besar sikit.

4. Balang air sederhana 20litr - kedai -2 biasa boleh dapat RM15

5. Penahan air atau float valve - RM6-7

6. Timer untuk plug pump aquarium - RM15-25

Barang seperti atas sahaja, pemasangan adalah mudah... selamat mencuba

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Tanaman pokok cili dalam vertical tower, hasil selepas 9 bulan


Dalam pengalaman saya selepas bermula dengan tanaman cili dalam vertical tower sejak 10 jan 2021 sampai sekarang, pokok cili masih berbuah tanpa masalah. Saya ada sebanyak 300 lebih pokok cili dalam 13 tower. Tetapi baru-baru ini saya dah mula semaian baru pokok cili untuk tanam semula ke vertical tower. 

Jadi cocopeat dalam vertical lama masih boleh digunnakan dengan pelbagai cara. Salah satu cara kita kitar semula atau guna balik adalah seperti berikut.

Cara - Cara seperti berikut

1. Guna 1 botol clorox bancuh dalam tangki fertigasi dan alirkan air tersebut melalui drip / fertigasi ke vertical tower atau polibeg yang ada cocopeat.

2. Biar selama 3 hari seminggu untuk process reput akar berlaku

3. Selepas seminggu alirkan air biasa seperti cara pembajaan tiap-tiap hari selama berberapa hari untuk mencuci cocopeat yang ada clorox

4. Tambahan baja sebelum tanaman, alirkan air baja a dan b seperti biasa, ikut jadual 1 hari dan biarkan selama 1 minggu

5. Kalau boleh bancuh ubat semut and siput babi kedalam tangki fertigasi. 

6. Selepas 2-3 minggu cocopeat boleh sedia digunakan semula.

Selamat mencuba....

Sunday 19 December 2021

Gardening Hack - Midvalley Aeon Big

Let's start from seeds all type of seeds that you need can be found with a reasonable price at Aeon Big Midvalley. I tried planting corriander and chili plants and it grew like nobody...

Of course you will need polybag if you are beyong amateur unless you can plan onto pot...and obviously gardening tools are a necessity otherwise you will be making your hand dirty..

Different plans require different type of soils and perhaps if you starting with seeding the you would need peatmoss rather then organic soil... below are samples..

Hibiscus i bought and it was good that my plants grew beyong expectation..

Few more stacks of many type of organic soils from different vendors...

Look no further elsewhere as all you can get it here...Potting mix with many varieties

You can get your water bottle or spraying bottle with adjustable nossle this is really necessary if you planning to water your plants or spraying pesticide...

I was shocked after seeing too many pot with various size, colours and shapes it was hard to resist....

You can see below..., I forget to snap seeding tray but its there... obviously what you see in this blog is just 30% of the items and there more that you should see for your self...

Far view....

Well you can get all your gardening stuffs here and enjoy your gardening....


Midvalley Aeon Big - Get all the things you need...

I'd recently went to Midvalley Mall in Kuala Lumpur, I headed to Aeon Big to buy things as usual, decided to share the some standard essential counters and other that might interest you.

The below is frozen food section near to the vegetable section, it was quite interesting and they have many varieties of food.

If you looking for specific ice-cream look no further as this counter as almost all the type of ice-cream you need and might have seen, the price are reasonable...

Decoration in the center court as it's nearing chrismas 2021 and most places full with decoration.. beautiful ones..

Daily essential many buys and believe me the price is very reasonable.... Cooking oil

Other brands too many and best selection...

Maggie mee malaysian favourite all time food... either at home, mamak store or even big restaurent making this a their core dish nowadays...

Well if you looking for entertainment items, head no further as they all almost all the electronic things there... I'd remember recently i bought or Cornell gas stove there and my washing machine.

Electric Kettle.. look at it how many of it...

All type of LED,LCD, OLED, HD Tv even most of it are now either Android or Smart TV, most of it ranging from LG, Panasonic, Samsung plus many more..

I', not an expert on water filter but if you think that if you want to explore with the cheaper right up to expensive ones without being brainwash by marketing team then this is the place for you.

Refrigerators... check here before going else where the price are good.

Other electrical items..

Do you need oscilator fans or table fans.. here you go ..

Washing machine all top loader to front loader with many variety of load size and brands available.

Well i hope whenever you hop to Midvalley make sure you drop by this Aeon Big.


Friday 17 December 2021

Soundcore Review, Hybrid noise cancellation

 First of all let's go for rating this product that i just got. This was one of the best earbud that I've used so far, different countries the price varies. But for this quality the price is worth it. I can bet after you use this particuler earbuds, you will never go back to those comfortable bulky ones that cover your ears. 

The battery life time last last long live never deplete at all.........

Noise cancelling -- tell me about it.. i can believe the noise cancelling it's really amazing.

Let's give it a 9/10 overall

The ovul shape was really good, they gave a type c charging cable and accessories for the earbud components. 

The box describes itself that it has a Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation, I'm not sure if you can test these before buying it something like at Sony you can test those display units before buying them. 

Picture speaks for itself that almost more than 20M people onto this and could be more now..

Standard item comes along like user guide, but actually you don't need a user guide,  Let me simplify the instruction for you..

1. On the right earbud just place your index finger and you will hear a sound, that show any bluetooth can start scanning the device. 
2. You can stop, pause, start back a video or call just by tapping softly on the right earbud.

Different angle view of the charger component and front of the packaging.

As a conclusion no complains......

You can get these from Lazada or shopee 

Buffet at W Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Flock level 8, Under the sea freshness buffett, Fine dining concept

The W Hotel buffet was one of a kind that i went for compared to many places that I've been through out the years.. 

Before you read my opinion below i would rate this place 9/10, I like the concept as you don't stuff your self with food rather enjoy eating and a good place for chatting or get together..

Per head roughly RM238/-

Before i forget the real location is W Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Flock, Level 8 
Under the sea freshness seafood

Identify this place with the big W Kuala Lumpur from's infron technically of Public Bank building...

The below is the W Hotel

Once you have parked you car head to the lift and way to Flock...

It's a norm when we pay big we tend to eat all you can and waste all you can, that's the mentality that we want to achive but moreless being a culture amongs many. 

Just to show you how the lift button to he flock looks like..

But here at the Flock, they have this concent like you can never touch the food but rather point and ask at at the waiter what items you need and the will plate it for you the way you want.

The above in a nutshell how it looks like, a bit small the space, it its crowed literally touching back of each other chair of different customers. 

Bringing kids are not suitable here - trust me, if you kids grew up eating fine dining that you can try but like wise better don't waste your money. 

As for the food item
Roasted Duck,
Grilled chicken
Red snapper
fruits and vegetables
satays ( malaysian delights) 
No Lambs
Got Beef
Only Satay in a very big size

Tempura softshell crab 
vegetable soup
scallop, prawns
grilled lobster small ones and prawn as well.

Above are not compains but just my feedback and opinion.

The above are served in a quatity of the size of a tablespoon, if you ask for red snapper then you will get i piece at the size of tea spoon. that's fine dining. 

No meehon goreng
No nasi goreng
No black pepper of any protein item like crab
No Nasi Lemak

Other dishes was there too like stuffed pasta into crab shell..

If  you are vegetarian then theres a counter  like they  haee all kind vege items..

Satay area.......

OK  before leaving though of taking some pics surrounding it. 

 Some other delights are not really a delight as the taste were not told upfront it's a good as going to waste

Overall the place was nice as it's not easy to setup a fine dining restaurent and to make everyone happy. I like that place that we and my friends can get togehter and have fun. that's all and nothing more.

As for the waiter and waitress did not show and grin, frown on their face as they were very helpful and serving with the maximum politeness.. 

Although there were coffee counter and other juice counter part of the package, i did not and might forgotten to try it. anyway next time sure i won't miss it. 

I snap a lof of pic where i can to show you how good this place is.

I rate this W hotel Flock restaurent level 8 
9 / 10