Saturday 4 February 2023

Colmar Tropicale La Flamme Restaurant

While making a day trip to Colmar Tropicale Berjaya hills, I decided to have my lunch at La Flamme restaurent.  

The food selection was nice though even with slight little menu which mostly consist of french cuisines. 

Colmar Tropicale La Flamme Restaurant

I order the hawaian chicken pizza it was soo delicious... I'm not sure fresh bake or ready made ... but for the cold weather it was worth it.

We ordered chicken wings as well... to me it was not that nice when it got cold faster .... make sure all the food that are being served in cold places like this need to hot or warm...

I ordered another pizza since that's what most of the time seems to be nice for me as I'm not a pasta person..

Any western or european concept restaurant that i visit, normally i don't leave out without ordering french fries...

it finished in a jivvy 

Hope you can try food in this restarant....

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