Saturday 2 April 2022

Cara tanam Daun Pandan, Planting Pandan Leaf

Do you know having Pandan Leaf gives joy especially for cooks at home because of it's fragrance and aroma that can be added in any cooking. 

I bought small young pandan plant from the nursery and then decided to plant it at home. 

It's very simple actually, when you buy the plant make sure you buy the pot size you want and at the same time soil that are required, perhaps nursery can recommend type of soil required. 

Mix it , dig it, plant it, shower it.

There you go a live pandan leave plant right at home and expected to grow big 

Just remember they can become bushy so try to use it occasionally as it's also good for health and make some jelly deserts during the weekends so that you wont just let it grow with using it.

It's a good cockroach repellent as well... 


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