Tuesday 15 March 2022

Self made Budgies covered non spill millets container.


How to make Budgie non spill food container. I bought these medium size container at Bake with Yen shop and the cost is around RM1.80 only. This is for my experiment therefore to see if it works . 

As you can see below and above the bottle i manage to place a container set that i bought at Bake with Yen as well which cost around RM1.60. This is a container to stack your cookies normally. The reason for this container is to make sure the millets which comes out from the container hole does not spill out from the tray container. 

I attached a video on how i performed this.

Finally i looks like this where there's a cap covering the tray at the bottom .. so that budgie's poop does not fall in. this makes sure the food millets are clean always. 

This how it looks like and it's time to test, non of the pet store or online store sells these type container and that's the reason i decided to do it and experiement it myself.

I can see few birds already attempting to eat the millets.  

I hope you can try this as well.

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