Wednesday 9 March 2022

Intermittent fasting for weight loss


Do you know recently that intermittent fasting become famous all around the world claiming that this method reduces fats and cholesterol in the body while claims being as well that the longer you fast in a day that it can help beat cancel sells. 

Well the above information kind of caught my eyes eventhough there are really no known ambasador or owner claiming copyright for such claims. I would say in general if we eat less and avoid junk food and fast foods, this way of lfe trigger development of health sells compared to cancer sells development. 

In order work instead of clocking your time in eating the right timing eventhough you are not hungry, but why not eat only when you hungry which in this case body is triggering and asking for food naturally instead you forcing these food clockwise. 

On other context - some claim that going for more vegetarian diet is more healthier, well that boils down what type of vegetable you consume and how you consume, for example some vegetable are required to eat it raw for it's full potential while other's can be cooked. what if this analogy are wrongly adapted and hence those vegetarians are heading into the wrong directions. 

Maybe one last thought, I had a old uncle telling me to avoid delicious food either if it's prepared and served in a restaurent or cooked at home. The analogy behind this is because when food is delicious, you will tend to eat more. Think about it.

Last facts - I eat only when I'm hungry and will avoid junk food and fast food. Processesd food such as cheese are in my category of avoid to do list. 

Hope the information helps. 

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