Wednesday 15 December 2021

Weight loss with Honey and lemon


Honey lemon water combination known for many year to help loose weight- well that's true. Not many pay attention. 

Just try this mix for a month and see the differene for yourself, drink it early in the morning.

The lemon water itself gives your body high metobolism weight and making you fuller through out the day therefore you wont have the crave to eat alot.

For some people drinking warm lemon water with honey gives heartburn.. but not for many..
Why because acid reflux tends to build up so be carefull.

BUT do you know drinking Honey Lemon water daily in someway aids digestion and this is good as it's naturally triggering your digestive system.

Have a balance of Honey and Lemon - taking too much of Lemon causes heartburn acid reflux while overconsumption of honey may cause weight gain.

And be careful about honey as it contains high sugar - for those diabetics becareful.

Since honey contains natural antioxidants, many people use  to take warm water with honey early mornign as this aids in controlling cholesterol and fats. and it's taken on an empty stomach.

Any food that supresses appetite means it can aid in loosing weight, `Honey with warm water taken on an empty stomach early morning does this job.

Anyway Hope this tip gives you an insight in developing a good natural habit and plan you weight loss program efficiently. 

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