Saturday 4 December 2021

Planting Pandan leave, Tanam Daun Pandan, organic soil, Preventing cancer, Vitamin A, Good Antioxidant, cockroach repellent,prevent heart disease, Relief for joint paint and arthritis, control blood sugar,

Today challenge was to buy Pandan Leave Plant or daun pandan in Malay and port to a bigger port in my house. This is not so challenging as you can see the picture below. 

Myth about Pandan Leave - Pandan leave generally increase your cooking flavour, a good refreshner for your car, repels cockroaches, 

Medically - its has good minerals , vitamin A and a very good antioxidant- it helps in preventing cancer

Good Relief- for Arthritis and Joint paint. Headaches and earaches known to be gone..Helps prevent heart disease

Well now let's get back to work in setting up the Pandan leave or Daun Pandan to bigger pot....

The above is a little pandan leave plant bought over a nursery and it's getting ready to be transfered to bigger pot.

i bought this organic soil from Midvalley Aeon Big, for some reason i bought this soil long time back was using to plant spring onion, after long gone .. now i use the same soil for Pandan leave. 

I'd remove the soil from the bigger pot and clean it in away to see if any unwanted soil that are harden so i need to break them up. 

Now after transfer the pandan leave plant to the pot this how it looks like, since the pot was big i do not want to waste the space within the pot therefore i planted other plants as well. 

Accompanying with the pandan leave plant are bettle leave and curry leave, both plants are kind of super plants when comes to health care ( curry leave ) while bettle leave good for other ailment. 

Anyway this what it is ... hope you have glimps of my terrace.. you would have seen some pillar of PVC towers at the back of the pot, well those are basically my chili farm ( you watch the video below if you like on my chili farm initiative. ) 


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