Wednesday 24 November 2021

Cili Kulai tanpa ubat serangga selama 4 minggu

Cili Kulai tanpa ubat serangga selama 4 minggu


Hi Saya nak ceritakan sikit tentang salah satu experimen yang saya cuba. Experiment ini saya buatd ngan tidak sengaja sebab bila PKP dah dalam keadaan reda, saya terpaksa pergi balik ofis jadi terlupa dan takde masa nak sembur ubat racun, tapi baja tetap saya beri tiap tiap hari.

Saya perasan selama #4 minggu tanpa racun serangga, pokok saya tetap dalam keadaan yang baik dan lepas tu buat pun optimum, padat dan masalah memang kurang dari pada dulu semasa penyembur racun. 

Tetapi walaupun ini experiment secara accidental yang saya cuba, tak semestinya ini jalan singkat ataupun proven step untuk peladang.. Racun tetap kena ada kalau tidak ikut keadaan memang tak boleh nampak hasil bah kan serannga yang makan hasil itu.

Satu perkara yang saya pantau masa itu adalah, dalam 4 minggu ini white fly atau lalat putih berkurangkan, penyakit pokok berkurangan dan serangga lain terus hilang. 

Pelik juga rasanya - kemungkinan saya rasa racun yang saya sembur munking membunuh whitefly lalu bakai whitefly jadi makanan untuk serangga yang lain.  Itu saya ingat akan konsep racun.

Baru -baru ini saya mula balik sembur racun serangga , selepas sehari saya nampak bawah daun 20 - 50% ada warna putih, maknya whitefly datang balik. Saya pun hairan waktu tak sembur whitefly ada tapi bawah 10% sahaja. 

Kesimpulanya, saya akan masih sembur racun serangga tetapi mungkin kurangkan dos atau cuba racun serangga yang boleh menhapus pelbagai jenis seranga.

OK itu saja - Sila rujuk video saya, Like share dan comment atau subscribe.

Sunday 7 November 2021

Earn US$50 per Day in blogging

 How to earn $50 daily Blogging

I personally seen during my days that many people tend to talk about blogging but never mention anything about making money blogging till several year later to be precise 15 years later when many youtube tend to become more prominent in making videos like " how to  make money online" .

So i went through these videos, suprisingly one of the presenter made a video on how to make money blogging. I focused on that video. No doubt i had  blog since 2013 and roughly till todate my visitors to that blog was around 20k per month. 

The steps were simple to convert your traffic 20k to make money as presented by the youtuber. 


1. Go to Google Adsense and create an account or link your existing gmail account that you use for blogging.  OR

1a. In blog setting go to monetization and that will link you to Google Adsense for you to setup your adsense.

2. Fill in the payment details and go through some guided reference checks. 

3. At the same time make your layout setting in blog setting by adding adsense ads banners.

All the above would be a pre-requisite for monetizing your blog to make money.

After all the above process - Google will take 2 weeks to 4 weeks to verify your address by sending you an envelope to your home address. In that envelope you will have a 4 digit pin to be entered into your Google adsense setting in order to start receiving money when your threshold meets.

If you have not received the pin, your would still be able to make money, just that you would not be able to withdraw it till address verification are done or in other words receiving the envelop from Google Adsense.

I receive my envelop near to end of the 4th week, was worried but it turned out ok. 

Well blogging is not an overnight get rich scheme, but overtime based on your content and effort that you put in which benefits others would definately get you to earning decent amount of money. 

Initially i started getting 5 then 10 after that 30 a month.. and that got me motivated and eventually i start adding more relevant content day by day so that wanting to attract more visitors. The visitors are growing, the revenue is increasing day by day as the more people access to your site the more your blog gets spreading like a virus. 

From the above, you can figure out , If 1 blog makes you 100/mth what if you have 10 blogs with different niches. I'm preety mush sure that in 1 year time you would quit your job and just sit at your leisure by writting any topic that comes to your mind at the interest just to attract visitor and make money.

Blog is accessible 24/7 - money just pouring in if the right move are made. 

Sorry if i never put any screen shots on the steps and guidance but i feel these steps - you need to explore to get started otheriwse your will never understand what you are doing.

Hope my lenghty explanation above benefits you, I thought of just sharing my thoughts and idea in order to help others during these pandemic era where many are loosing jobs so its good to start something that is effortless in a way. 


Yara Tera Kristalone Calcinit tukar ke Yara Liva Calcinit Murah wei...


Yara Tera Kristalone Calcinit tukar ke Yara Liva Calcinit Murah wei...

Hari saya nak cerita tentang alternative baja A yang lebih murah dan berpatutan daripada apa yang saya guna dahulu iaitu baja A Yara tera calcinit.

Harga Yara tera calcinit lebih kurang RM10-12 ikut musim 1kg,  padahal Yara liva calcinit 1.5kg harga lebih kurang RM4 atau RM3.80.

Fungi dia sama, boleh diguna untuk fertigasi, dripping system. Saya bukan saja nak tukar dari yara tera calcinit ke yara liva calcinit. Sebab baru-2 ini bila saya cuba cari product yara tera susha dapat dari shopee atau lazada. Padahal saya nak quantity yang kecil sahaja, Jadi otai - otai dari youtuber dan peladang lain recommend Yara Liva Calcinit. 

Memang bes dapat tahu pengetahuan yang ini sebab kos menjadi lebih murah and hasil tetap sama atau lebih tinggi dan boleh kerapkan baja 3 kali sehari dari 2 kali sehari. 

Tapi ikutlah petua dan panduan yang betul untuk membaja. 

Diatas saya ada sediakan info video di youtube untuk visual yang lebih lanjut, saya juga ada share perkara lain seperti cara saya menyemai cili kulai sakata f1 hybrid. 

Harap info ini berguna.

How to earn $10 daily blogging

How to earn $10 daily Blogging


I personally seen during my days that many people tend to talk about blogging but never mention anything about making money blogging till several year later to be precise 15 years later when many youtube tend to become more prominent in making videos like " how to  make money online" .

So i went through these videos, suprisingly one of the presenter made a video on how to make money blogging. I focused on that video. No doubt i had  blog since 2013 and roughly till todate my visitors to that blog was around 20k per month. 

The steps were simple to convert your traffic 20k to make money as presented by the youtuber. 


1. Go to Google Adsense and create an account or link your existing gmail account that you use for blogging.  OR

1a. In blog setting go to monetization and that will link you to Google Adsense for you to setup your adsense.

2. Fill in the payment details and go through some guided reference checks. 

3. At the same time make your layout setting in blog setting by adding adsense ads banners.

All the above would be a pre-requisite for monetizing your blog to make money.

After all the above process - Google will take 2 weeks to 4 weeks to verify your address by sending you an envelope to your home address. In that envelope you will have a 4 digit pin to be entered into your Google adsense setting in order to start receiving money when your threshold meets.

If you have not received the pin, your would still be able to make money, just that you would not be able to withdraw it till address verification are done or in other words receiving the envelop from Google Adsense.

I receive my envelop near to end of the 4th week, was worried but it turned out ok. 

Well blogging is not an overnight get rich scheme, but overtime based on your content and effort that you put in which benefits others would definately get you to earning decent amount of money. 

Initially i started getting 5 then 10 after that 30 a month.. and that got me motivated and eventually i start adding more relevant content day by day so that wanting to attract more visitors. The visitors are growing, the revenue is increasing day by day as the more people access to your site the more your blog gets spreading like a virus. 

From the above, you can figure out , If 1 blog makes you 100/mth what if you have 10 blogs with different niches. I'm preety mush sure that in 1 year time you would quit your job and just sit at your leisure by writting any topic that comes to your mind at the interest just to attract visitor and make money.

Blog is accessible 24/7 - money just pouring in if the right move are made. 

Sorry if i never put any screen shots on the steps and guidance but i feel these steps - you need to explore to get started otheriwse your will never understand what you are doing.

Hope my lenghty explanation above benefits you, I thought of just sharing my thoughts and idea in order to help others during these pandemic era where many are loosing jobs so its good to start something that is effortless in a way.